A Little Adventure into Decluttering


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By no means am I a hoarder, but as I write this, I’m looking around the piles of ‘stuff’ on the table.

I’m a relatively tidy person, and once a month I have a good tidy up for the cleaner! I pay someone to clean the house and want them to clean as much of it as possible, get my money’s worth and all that! Every month I find myself questioning why I have so much stuff:

Should I be decluttering?

Cleaning is exactly how Louise Walker started out on her entrepreneurial journey.

But what she really loves is helping people to get organised and claim their lives back from their clutter.

Louise runs a home decluttering service.

We met for a coffee and chat, so I could hear more of her story and recognise the ‘hot spots’ in my own home that could do with reorganising!


Let’s meet Louise…

Louise Walking Decluttering

A Passion Project Interview with Louise Walker


Why did you decide to do what you’re doing? Tell your ‘Origin Story’

I had always enjoyed organising my own home. As a mum of 4 children (at one stage I had 3 under 4.5yr old), I found it was a necessity for life to be a little less chaotic (need to be able to find clean clothes each morning, all the parts of toys for them to function, find keys etc.)
When I started my cleaning business in 2010, I was regularly asked to help organise a bedroom, kitchen, front room etc., and I also realised that some of my cleaning jobs would take less time, therefore cost customers less, if home was less cluttered. I decided to offer decluttering and organising as a service. That was in Feb 2018, and now decluttering/organising is about 70% of my business.


What would you do with your time if you didn’t have to work?

I would declutter for people who needed the help but couldn’t afford it.
Read more books.


What really makes you smile from the inside out?

Seeing the amazement expressed by people when they are starting to see the results of a couple of hours work. Suddenly people are saying “Wow,I feel so much lighter”, “I can’t remember the last time this room/house looked like this”, “I feel do much better mentally”. It makes me smile because I know that reaction will come, but clients are often so surprised when it does!

What is your proudest achievement?

Work-wise? Decluttered and organised a whole house in a single day (10 hours), nearly 12 months from the first time I was contacted to help with the job, to finally being contacted to say, “We feel ready for you now. Please help us. ” The  young couple were thrilled with the result.

Where do you want to be in 5 years’ time?

Working full-time decluttering/organising.

Who do you serve? Be specific, think of everyone you impact (not just customers)

Young families, couples downsizing, people moving house, people who have inherited houses of items belonging to loved ones, busy couples,  people moving house, divorcing, melding two households together. I find wider family are impacted, e.g. whole family less stressed when home is organised,  adult children are less worried knowing they won’t be left with so much to deal with when elderly parents  start to deal with their lifetime of belongings

How do you want the world to see your business?

Very professional, non judgemental, knowledgeable. I can talk to people to help them let go of items.

What one thing would you do to change the world?

Encourage governments to have longer term thinking.

If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?

Slow down time. The days go too fast, my children (now age 10-17), are growing up too fast.

What advice would you give to your 16-year-old self?

Take chances, don’t worry about “What if it doesn’t work?” I wish I had worried less about “What if it doesn’t work?”, and “What will people think”

And finally, is there one thing you wish someone had told you before you went into business?

Always be prepared to step out of your comfort zone. I am learning to do this now (letting go of secure work, taking the chance decluttering work will be there for me, but wish I had done it sooner. Be prepared to try new things.


Thank you Louise

To connect with Louise and learn more about her work:

Check out and like the Decluttering  Facebook Page HERE




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