Making Connections With Your Blog: Meet Others (A-Z of Blogging)

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(Quick Read Blogs – a 5-minute read)

My first blog was a vanity project. Something I did to hold myself accountable on my journey towards becoming a published author. But it did more than that, it allowed me to make connections.

Making Connections

Some days, it can feel like you’re blogging into thin air, your words are evaporating and no one is seeing them.

In these moments, remind yourself of your own behaviour online – How often do you comment on blogs or Social Media updates?

It doesn’t mean you didn’t notice it, that it didn’t have an impact on you, even in a small, subconscious way. It just means you didn’t comment.

Most of us behave like this.

Blogging regularly requires a certain level or raw nerve and faith in the process!

When you do get that comment, or that Social Media like or share, those are the moments you can be confident that your words are having more of an impact. Especially when that comment comes from someone other than your bestie or your mum!

Your words are creating connections, they’re getting through to people.

That’s why M is for ‘Meet People’ in my A to Z of Blogging series.

Start Conversations

It’s taken a while to build up my ‘little black book’ of connections, but my network is one of the most valuable assets in my business.

No business can operate in isolation.

I’m always on the look out for opportunities to collaborate with other businesses, rather than compete with them.

90% of my paid consultancy work comes through physically (and digitally, to a degree) networking with others in the small business community.

The connections I’ve made over the years are the lifeblood of my work. My blog has been a powerful way to reinforce and enhance that network.


Nine Ways I’ve Built Connections With My Blog


1) Joining Groups & Forums

I joined a Bristol Bloggers Facebook group and have been to their events, I’ve even spoken at one of their gatherings.

Making business connections


2) Accepting Pitches From Guest Bloggers

I get daily emails from people asking to be guests on the blog and I now have a standard response with my submission guidelines. I rarely reject a request, unless the quality is too poor, the topic isn’t relevant or the link back is for something I don’t want to be associated with (i.e. online betting).

Immediately, that person will then share the article with their networks, taking my message to a wider audience.

Making connections by hosting guest bloggers


3) Send Blog Links

I often write a blog and then think of someone in my network who would find that article useful.

Sometimes it’s a conversation with someone that inspires a blog post.

I’ll always email or share those blogs as a way of opening up or continuing a dialogue.


4) Sponsored Content

I’ve accepted invitations to go to events in exchange for blog coverage and it’s a great way to meet people.

I’ve accepted offers from businesses willing to pay to be hosted, and this leads to more paid blogging connections.


Making connections with sponsored content


5) Freebies

Approaching people running events and asking about ‘press passes’ to get free entry in exchange for blog coverage.

I’ve climbed the mast of the SS Great Britain. I’ve been to the openings of bars and restaurants and eaten and drunk for free. Attended a business show.

I’ve also offered freebies to my own events for bloggers willing to give me some online PR.


6) Reviews

Offering to review products and servcies for people.

If you’re a big reader, this is a great way to get books for your ‘To Read’ pile!

Review books to make connections


7) Interviews

Interviewing authors and business owners for features.

Interview people to make connections


8) New Client Bookings

I’ve had prospective clients book an Inspiration Call after reading a blog.


9) Offering to Host Guests

I like to give something to people I meet to help their businesses.  Inviting connections I’ve made through networking as guests on the blog is a great way to solidify a mutually beneficial relationship with a fellow entrepreneur


If you’d like to be interviewed for a blog or write for me as a guest, get in touch

Guest Bogging opportunities - You write for me and I'll write for you


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Amy Morse What I Do

2 Replies to “Making Connections With Your Blog: Meet Others (A-Z of Blogging)”

  1. hah – “Blogging regularly requires a certain level or raw nerve and faith in the process!”
    Well said Amy! ??????

    • It definitely does! That’s why it’s so important to find a way to enjoy it. Thanks for all your great comments and messages 🙂

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