When Is The Best Time To Start A Blog?

Starting a blog is a commitment – keeping your website alive, producing content regularly. But then, so is any ongoing project.

Maintaining momentum and consistency takes time, energy and discipline.

So, when is a good time to start?

When is the best time to start a blog

The simple answer is… now!

There is never a ‘right’ time to start anything! ‘Tomorrow’, that mystical place where 90% of things happen!

Just do it! Just write! If you’re not brave enough to publish yet, draft words while they’re ripe and keep them until you’re ready.

For your first blog, it’s always good to have a couple of articles up your sleeve. New visitors need a reason to hang around in your virtual shop.

You can write, right now, today!

What’s stopping you?

Letting Your Blog Loose into The Wild

The logical time to let your words loose into the wild is when you launch a new website.

Why spend money on a lovely website if you squander all that SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) work your designer has done, by not keeping it up-to-date?

Having a blog is the single biggest thing you can do to make your website Google friendly. A blog attracts 97% more traffic to your website. Regular, consistent blogs give you a reason to go into your site at least once a month. Otherwise, be honest, it would quickly become a statue and Googlebot ignores those!

But a blog is SO much more than just SEO. That may be the initial motivation for starting a blog. But once you produce content you build a valuable information resource to use over and over again in your business.

You can repurpose that content into other products. But it’s also an information resource when working with a prospective customer.

Just this week, a startup wanting to build their brand presence and monetize their blog contacted me. I sent a link to a blog on how I make money from blogging, without promoting other brands. I demonstrated immediately that I know what I’m talking about and have the answers they need.

Having a blog, also means you never run out of things to share on social media. I’ve written many times about the benefits of blogging for businesses, that go way beyond SEO.


So, How Do You Get started with a Blog?


Here are my three quick start tips to get you going:


1) Capture Ideas

Start some sort of system to capture ideas. It could just be a notebook, or it could be a spreadsheet. Once you start jotting down ideas you’ll quickly spur on more. Check out my ‘Idea Generator’ workshop for some tools and exercises so you’ll never run out of ideas again.

capture blog ideas

2) Practice on other platforms

Not having your own website is no excuse, you can find your feet and practice on Linked In or start a free Blogger Blogspot. As you build up content and find your mojo,  repurpose those early blogs onto your website, when it’s ready.

3) Take imperfect action

An imperfect article is better than nothing at all.

Your worst writing will always be better than the thing you never wrote.

Perfection is fallacy, it’s an impossible target so why set it for yourself? Your writing skills, as with anything, will naturally improve over time. In the early days, the chances are few people will see it anyway. You can always go back and edit it or unpublish.

So, what are you waiting for? Stop procrastinating and just do it! And if you need a guiding hand, get in touch for a free chat.


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