7 Product Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

It’s easy to make mistakes when marketing your business. Here are 7 top tips from a contributor.

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Getting people to buy your product requires marketing. But not just any type of promo will do. With so many products constantly being advertised to us, it’s important that you find a way to cut through the noise while also keeping up with the marketing standards of other companies. There are lots of mistakes that you can make that can result in you failing to grab people’s attention or failing to gain their trust. Below are 7 examples of mistakes that you should try to avoid when marketing your product.

Inconsistent branding

Every successful product needs a strong brand. This should include a memorable brand name, a striking logo, a fitting colour scheme and an engaging tone of voice. Once you’ve established a brand, it’s important to apply the same branding to every marketing channel. Using different logos or colour schemes can create confusion and make consumers doubt whether they’re dealing with the same product. Such branding consistencies are most common when rebranding your product – make sure that your brand is updated everywhere so that you’re not continuing to promote an old brand. 

Bland packaging

Snazzy packaging will help your product to stand out on the shelf. Use a custom packaging manufacturer to create something that’s relevant to your brand but different to competitors. To make sure your packaging stands out, it could be important to research other brands out there that are similar to your product. Think about the colour, the shape, the fonts, the imagery and opening mechanism and make sure one of these elements is unique. 

Poorly targeted ads

Knowing your target audience is essential to making sure that you target your ads correctly. You don’t want to be wasting money targeting ads at people who aren’t going to pay attention. If you’re not sure who your target market is, consider doing surveys and take time to analyse the market of your competitors. 

Irrelevant sponsorship

This is similar to poorly targeted advertising, but refers purely to using influencers. Paying influencers such as bloggers, vloggers and social media personalities to promote your product is a great way to raise awareness of your product. However, it’s essential that you work with sponsors who share the same audience as you. Consider influencers that cater to niche interests and passions related to your product for the best impact. 

Amateurish web design

Poor quality product photos, poorly written product descriptions, slow loading pages and confusing website navigation can all put customers off. Spend time researching other websites and try to match their quality. Hiring the help of professionals including product photographers, copywriters and web designers could be worthwhile. 

Lack of SEO

Not everyone is susceptible to outbound marketing tactics like adverts. In fact, many consumers are able to tune out adverts and purely buy products that they have searched for based on their needs. If you want these consumers to discover your product, you need to make sure that your product is displaying on search engines when relevant search terms are entered. This requires SEO (search engine optimization). This is a complex form of marketing that involves understanding search engine algorithms. It is best to work with an SEO company to handle this form of marketing for you and get results. 


A USP (Unique Selling Proposition) is the thing that makes your product stand out. Without a USP, no-one will notice your product. Therefore, you need to work out what is special about your product. Once you’ve determined this, make sure that your USP is integrated into your marketing.

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