11 Essential Editing and Proofreading Tools to Polish Your Content

The content you produce can make or break your business. Poorly written content, littered with mistakes, makes you look sloppy and unprofessional. The real writing happens in the editing.

If you are writing your own content and copy, make sure you do it well and do so consistently.

There are loads of great online tools and apps to help you brush up on your writing skills.

It can be tough editing our own work, our brains read what it thinks it’s written so we can easily miss mistakes in our own work. I previously wrote about the importance of getting an extra pair or eyes on your content, and also some quick tips for editing your own work.

Sometimes, however, there’s no substitute for the personal touch. Perhaps you’re struggling to come up with ideas for your blog and content? Or perhaps you are struggling to maintain a regular writing routine and could do with a coach?

Talk to me about ‘Power Sessions‘  if this sounds like you.

I offer a free initial consultation, just book in a call with me HERE.


Content writer and an eLearning consultant, Gloria Kopp, has contributed this great round up of 11 editing tools

Editing your content

11 Essential Editing and Proofreading Tools to Polish Your Content

There was once a time when SEO for online content was easily satisfied with a bunch of keywords, and customers would be impressed by the mere fact that you had a website. However, this is no longer the case, both SEO crawlers and your audience have become more savvy and sophisticated. Search engine crawlers now actually assess the quality and originality of your writing when they allocate your ranking, and readers will absolutely go to another site, perhaps a competitor if your content is sloppy. The following tools can ensure that your content is professional and polished, so both SEO and your readers will be satisfied.

1.     Online Correction

This is a great spelling and grammar checker that can pick up on any little errors. What’s particularly great about this resource is that you can make sure the English is perfect for you target audience – whether that’s America, Britain, South Africa, Australia, or New Zealand.

2.     Paper Fellows

When you first start writing content, it can be hard to know where to start, and even once you’re regularly posting online it’s hard to be confident that you’re doing things right. The forums on this website are full of professional and amateur writers who can provide helpful advice and support.

3.     Readability Test Tool

When you post online, you will probably have a target audience in mind, and you want to make sure your level of writing is appropriate. This helps you check the reading level of your content to make sure it’s not too complicated or overly simple.

4.     Boomessays

Everything you post online needs to be perfect, but sometimes it’s hard to assess your own work. Fortunately, there are plenty of professional editors and proofreaders available here who can review your content.

5.     Keyword Density Checker

There was a time when filling your content with keywords was the best way to improve your rankings, however, it’s now a more exact science. To make sure your keywords comprise the perfect proportion of your post, you can use the checker here.

6.     Polish My Writing

While there are thousands of options for spelling and grammar checkers, this tool is unique in that it will also offer suggestions on style. If you’ve made your points but aren’t happy with how fluid your language is then this could be an amazing tool.

7.     Slick Write

This is an increasingly popular tool for all kinds of writers, both professional and amateur, academic and fiction. What’s great is that it offers suggestions to improve your writing as you’re actually typing, which leaves you with an awesome finished product in the most efficient way.

8.     Write my essay

It’s great to have well-meaning family and friends who are happy to review our work; however, it’s not always possible to really trust their opinion. They may want to help, but not be too harsh, or be too biased in your favour. For that reason, it can be a huge help to hire a professional editor or proofreader from this site.

9.     Easy Word Count

We all are now aware that size matters when it comes to online posting, and SEO and engagement are both improved when posts are over 1000, or even 1500 words. You can monitor this easily with this useful too.

10. Language Tool

The business market is officially global, so you may occasionally need to post, or approve posts that aren’t in your mother tongue. You can make sure there are no embarrassing mistakes in your foreign language content with this amazing tool that can proofread over 20 languages.

11.Custom essay

As search engine crawlers will lower your website’s rankings, and readers will assume you are sloppy and incompetent if your content is littered with mistakes. Using this tool to find an expert editor or proofreader to make sure your work is flawless can be a great decision for any business or blogger.

Being able to consistently come up with engaging topics and original content is difficult, and there are no quick fix solutions to help with that. But, once you have your amazing topic, the above tools can be absolutely essential in making sure that it is presented perfectly, and ranked highly by both readers and search engines.


“Gloria Kopp is an educator and an eLearning consultant from Manville city. She graduated from University of Wyoming and started a career of a business writer and an educator, now she works as a content manager at Oxessays. Besides, she is a regular contributor to such websites as Engadget, Huffingtonpost etc. Read her latest post at Studydemic.”


Twitter: https://twitter.com/gloria_kopp


Thanks for contributing, Gloria. Some really useful links!


Personally, I have ‘Grammarly‘ installed on my devices – because even though I’m a professional writer, I still miss grammatical bits and bobs!








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