Stop That! You’re Doing it Wrong…

Anyone who knows me is aware I’m pretty chilled out. I can count the people I’ve ever encountered in my life who have the ability to push my buttons on one hand – but in the business world there are Continue reading Stop That! You’re Doing it Wrong…

The Power of Networking – Top Tips

The internet is a great place to make connections, but there is no substitute for physically meeting people. The people most interested in you on social media and most likely to happily share your content are those that have actually Continue reading The Power of Networking – Top Tips

Are You A Scribbler, A Dabbler or A Wrangler? Take the Authorpreneur Quiz

Entrepreneur = [ahn-truh-pruh-nur, -noo r] A person who organizes and manages any enterprise, especially a business, usually with considerable initiative and risk. Author = [aw-ther] A person who writes a novel, poem, essay, etc.; the composer of a literary work, as distinguished Continue reading Are You A Scribbler, A Dabbler or A Wrangler? Take the Authorpreneur Quiz