The Cost Of Living Is Unsustainable

It’s a familiar mantra – reported in the media as a ‘Cost Of Living’ crisis – as if rising costs are a temporary blip, that we should sit tight and ride it out. Which would make sense, if there was Continue reading The Cost Of Living Is Unsustainable

Why Sustainability Should Define Your Startup

international business growth

When you startup something new, you have a golden opportunity to set the agenda, define your values and boldly assert your presence for the future. “Be the change you want to see in the world,” is a quote attributed to Continue reading Why Sustainability Should Define Your Startup

Sustainability: A Holistic Approach

The cost of doing business should not be the Earth. Sustainability is a word that gets thrown around casually, as if it’s something you can retrofit into your business – a ‘nice to have’. What do we really mean when Continue reading Sustainability: A Holistic Approach

The Joy Of Shopping Slow

Shop slow. Vote with your pound

At the end of last year, I had a moment or pure frustration when attempting to buy a few bits in Asda. EVERYTHING I needed was only available in single use plastic. Including the bread that I watched a baker Continue reading The Joy Of Shopping Slow

How Do We End The Culture Of Waste?

This infographic about minimising waste popped up on my Facebook feed and I had to share it. We are all consumers and we all have power. Don’t let anyone try to convince you otherwise! Waste – It’s Not About Recycling Continue reading How Do We End The Culture Of Waste?

Act Local Think Global – Thoughts on Sustainability

Break the chain of plastic polluters

Sustainability. What does that word mean for you? As a wordsmith, that’s always an intriguing question for me. Here’s what the Cambridge Dictionary has to say on the subject: Sustainable, a definition A core constituent of everything I do is Continue reading Act Local Think Global – Thoughts on Sustainability

The Regular Life Audit

‘Our lives should be in constant audit’ – Chris Packham Making informed choices about what we consume and how we lead our lives can be overwhelming and exhausting. It’s an uphill struggle when you do all you can to make Continue reading The Regular Life Audit

Proverb Refillable Deodorant: A Product Review

deodorant testing

I received a lovely email, offering me a freeĀ Proverb Refillable Deodorant to test and blog about. I’m always pleased to see innovative sustainable products and happy to test them out. Why I Said Yes? Who doesn’t enjoy a freebie! But Continue reading Proverb Refillable Deodorant: A Product Review

Big Dreams, Shallow Pockets: Help To Start A Business (UK)

Big dreams shallow pockets. Get help for your start up business

Is It All Change For You? As lockdown eases and we slowly get comfortable with our new reality, many of us are questioning the work we do and the choices we’ve made. Here in the UK millions of employees were Continue reading Big Dreams, Shallow Pockets: Help To Start A Business (UK)