5 Content Marketing Trends For 2020

Content Marketing is always evolving.

A contributor suggests 5 trends for 2020.


2020 Trends

Doug Kessler once said, ‘traditional marketing talks at people. Content marketing talks with them.’ As the marketing world shifts to focus more on the consumer, there are plenty of trends that can help you to to drive leads. Next time you’re giving your content marketing a revamp, be sure to pay attention to these five ideas.


  1. Natural Language


In 2020, using natural language is important for content marketing. Firstly, this is because natural language helps you to optimise for voice search. Secondly, content that’s chatty and informal often performs better than content that’s overly complex or full of jargon. When designing your marketing chatbots, go for conversational language here too.


  1. More Video


The video trend just keeps on growing from video ads to live streaming, animations and 1:1 video marketing. In our current age of marketing consumers like videos that are fun and insightful. You should aim to create videos that inspire an emotional reaction (and inspires those shares)! To create innovative video content, the best thing to do is to work with a talented video production agency. With the help of a professional agency, your brand can get yourself some video content that truly stands out.


  1. Podcasts


Podcasts have fast gained popularity over the last few years, and there are plenty of benefits to creating a podcast for your company. First of all, podcasts are a popular form of entertainment, if you create educational content your brand will become known for something besides your products. Podcasts allow your business the opportunity to establish credibility, increase engagement, and boost brand awareness.


According to Hubspot ‘ 54% of podcast consumers say that they are more likely to consider the brands they hear advertised on podcasts.’ What’s more, ‘Podcast advertising revenue is expected to pass $1 billion by 2021.’


  1. Personalized Content


Personalized content is a great way to drive leads and appeal to the values of your consumers. Smarter HQ report that, ‘marketers are sending just 30% more individualized campaigns than batch and blast emails.’ As well as this, 92% of marketers reported using personalization techniques in their marketing.’


To create personalized content you need to collect meaningful and useful data. Such data might include preferences, demographics, priorities or how the consumer uses your product. When you talk to your audience on an individual level your campaigns will be more authentically perceived.


  1. Interactive Content

Interactive content is all the rage this year, to improve your audience engagement it’s time to jump on the bandwagon. Interactive content can take many forms including polls, tests, calculators or quizzes. Consumers are much more likely to offer their insights when the content is fun and interactive.

It’s essential to analyse all of the data that you get from your content marketing campaigns. Using these insights you can develop your content so that it’s more in tune with the values and desires of your audience. There is plenty that you can learn from your marketing campaigns.




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