After The Great Pause

after the great pause change the world

My newsletter at the start of March was about slowing down, less is more. I doubt many of us (certainly in the UK and US anyway) knew back then what was in store for us! We are a few weeks Continue reading After The Great Pause

A Time For Soulful Writing

Soulful writing

“One day I’ll quit my job and write a book!” Have you ever said that? Or what about… “One day, I’ll go on a retreat and write my book?” We’ve been gifted a unique opportunity. Lives have been put on Continue reading A Time For Soulful Writing

How Awakening Your Creativity Can Benefit You and Your Business

getting creative for your business and personal development

When we talk about creativity, the first thing people think about is being ‘artistic’. I believe we are all creative, it’s part of our DNA. The ability to imagine possibilities is what makes us human. Just because you can’t draw, Continue reading How Awakening Your Creativity Can Benefit You and Your Business

The World’s Most Famous Libraries From The Past and Present

The world's most famous libraries

  As a child, I have many memories of libraries. My dad has been researching our family tree for as long as I can remember, and before the internet, (yes, I’m that old!) research involved going to the library. Dad Continue reading The World’s Most Famous Libraries From The Past and Present

The Monthly Creativity Challenge

Tapping into your creativity

It’s that time of year again where we look ahead, then set goals and intentions. When you work for yourself, it’s easy to make those intentions all about the business. However, when you are at the heart of that business, Continue reading The Monthly Creativity Challenge

What’s Your Passion Project?

Feature your business in the passion projects movement

After three years of redundancy warnings every few months, when the seventh one actually happened in 2015, I vowed I would never work for anyone else ever again. I’d finally escaped! The fear of ‘lack’ stopped me from taking the Continue reading What’s Your Passion Project?