Slightly Improve Your Life With Little Effort

setting intentions - big change low effort

The first snowdrops and crocuses are starting to bloom, and that’s a sure sign that spring is approaching. Hope and possibility, planning ahead, setting goals, looking forward to brighter mornings. It’s tempting to set ourselves big, ambitious objectives, that take Continue reading Slightly Improve Your Life With Little Effort

Turn Your Inclinations Into Intentions

Set your intentions to love writing

I write. I’ve written books. I’ve written hundreds of blogs. I bullet journal. I have a pen in my hand when I read. When I have an idea I process my thoughts by writing about them – writing helps me Continue reading Turn Your Inclinations Into Intentions

How to Discover Your Expertise – A Guest Post

Discover your expertise

  It’s always a privilege to host fellow entrepreneurs as guests on the blog and share their expertise. When they have been long-time business buddies too, that’s an extra bonus. Linda Davies-Carr’s drive, determination and passion are impressive. As The Continue reading How to Discover Your Expertise – A Guest Post

Why I’m Not Goal Setting This January

Why I'm not goal setting

(Article first published on Linked In) Be honest, how many years have you set yourself New Year’s Resolutions, a goal that’s forgotten by February? Are you one of the millions of people who join a Gym in January, go once Continue reading Why I’m Not Goal Setting This January