Slightly Improve Your Life With Little Effort

setting intentions - big change low effort

The first snowdrops and crocuses are starting to bloom, and that’s a sure sign that spring is approaching. Hope and possibility, planning ahead, setting goals, looking forward to brighter mornings. It’s tempting to set ourselves big, ambitious objectives, that take Continue reading Slightly Improve Your Life With Little Effort

Of Vision and Vanity

Every business needs a vision, but not every entrepreneur has to be a visionary. If you close your eyes and imagine where you would like your life to be in, say, 5 years, what might it look like? Try it. Continue reading Of Vision and Vanity

Craft Your Vision Board for the Year Ahead

As the Earth completes another orbit of the Sun, we naturally look ahead. Preferably with hope and optimism – although that can be challenging in these trying times. It’s always around his time of year (December / January) that I Continue reading Craft Your Vision Board for the Year Ahead

The importance of planning, goal setting and personal development for your business – A Guest Post

Plan your personal development to grow your business

As we rapidly approach the end of the year (and before silly season starts), November is a great time to be looking ahead to 2019. Have you planned your own personal development? Where do you want your business to be Continue reading The importance of planning, goal setting and personal development for your business – A Guest Post

Don’t Give Up! – A Guest Post

There is no magic wand but don't give up

Sometimes, we all have the urge to give up on a task or a goal, especially when it feels like we’re getting nowhere or it isn’t going the way we expected. My theme for August is ‘Get It Done’ – Continue reading Don’t Give Up! – A Guest Post

Fresh Productivity Tips – A Guest Blog

Productivity tips for business

I’m always open to hosting other writers on this blog. My submission guidelines are simple: Read about what makes a good pitch HERE. I ask $40/£30 (Via PayPal) for a ‘DoFollow’ link and to cover the cost of my time. Continue reading Fresh Productivity Tips – A Guest Blog

Why I’m Not Goal Setting This January

Why I'm not goal setting

(Article first published on Linked In) Be honest, how many years have you set yourself New Year’s Resolutions, a goal that’s forgotten by February? Are you one of the millions of people who join a Gym in January, go once Continue reading Why I’m Not Goal Setting This January

Something to Declare?

It’s time to declare your intentions… When you get off a flight into the UK, between passport control and the exit you are faced with three possible exits: The Green Door The Blue Door (I wonder what colour they’ll paint Continue reading Something to Declare?

New Year’s Resolutions for your Business

Happy New Year! The tradition of setting new year’s resolutions can be traced back into prehistory. The Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year, the Romans began their year making vows to the god Janus Continue reading New Year’s Resolutions for your Business