The Joy Of Freedom – On Your Bike

The freedom of cycling and self emplyment

    Meet Barry…     Barry The Bike   He’s been sat in my shed for seven years until this summer. I re-homed the various spiders who’d moved into Barry’s nooks and crannies and took him to Crucial BMX Continue reading The Joy Of Freedom – On Your Bike

Directing Your Energy – A Little Adventure in Kinetic Divination

Crystal and Kinetic Divination

“Where your attention goes, your energy flows” I have a vague memory of a work away day. It was so many years ago, I’m not even sure where I was working! One of the team-building exercises was to describe each Continue reading Directing Your Energy – A Little Adventure in Kinetic Divination

A Little Adventure Into Shifting Perspectives

Taking a retreat to change persoectives

    A convex mirror as a lens into the past.     The tiny yellow sports cars, speeding its passengers into the future. A cow-hide rug, gentle beneath my toes, a spiral of grey twisting around a central eye Continue reading A Little Adventure Into Shifting Perspectives

A Little Adventure into Decluttering

Home decluttering get organized

  By no means am I a hoarder, but as I write this, I’m looking around the piles of ‘stuff’ on the table. I’m a relatively tidy person, and once a month I have a good tidy up for the Continue reading A Little Adventure into Decluttering