How To Set Boundaries On My Blog? (A to Z of Blogging)

Setting boundaries while staying authentic

    I’ll be the first to admit that the last three letters in the A to Z of Blogging are a bit tenuous! I’ve come this far, I want to complete this series! X is for X-Ray Y is Continue reading How To Set Boundaries On My Blog? (A to Z of Blogging)

If Web Platforms Were People

Crowd of men. If web platforms were people

Brilliant guest post by my friend and colleague, WordPress Developer, Vik Martin. Vik designs beautiful websites for real people using WordPress and I’m delighted to be co-hosting a workshop on Blogging With WordPress, with her.   If Blogging platforms were Continue reading If Web Platforms Were People

Where Do I Write My Blog? (A to Z of Blogging)

Which platform do I use to write my blog

Entrepreneurs dipping their toes into the murky waters of blogging for the first time often ask me, “Where do I write a blog?”. Keeping up with the latest platforms and technology can be overwhelming and off-putting for those new to Continue reading Where Do I Write My Blog? (A to Z of Blogging)

How to Write Catchy Blog Titles Your Readers Can’t Resist

Creating Clickable Blog Titles

Coming up with creative and clickable titles for your blog articles can be tough. They need to be catchy and informative, to appeal to both humans and also Google. I’m hosting a contributor, with some ideas and top tips to Continue reading How to Write Catchy Blog Titles Your Readers Can’t Resist

Is Video The Future of The Web? (A to Z of Blogging)

VLOG Video vs Written blogs

About 5 minutes before I started writing this, I followed a link to a news article that caught my attention – happily chillin’ to some Rag N Bone Man, suddenly my music is interrupted as I’m bombarded with a video Continue reading Is Video The Future of The Web? (A to Z of Blogging)

A Little Adventure into Decluttering

Home decluttering get organized

  By no means am I a hoarder, but as I write this, I’m looking around the piles of ‘stuff’ on the table. I’m a relatively tidy person, and once a month I have a good tidy up for the Continue reading A Little Adventure into Decluttering

Tip Top Top Tips (A to Z of Blogging)

Tip top top tips

  Quick, simple, sharable, actionable and consumable – sharing top tips on your a blog allows you to convey a lot of useful information in a short and snappy way. Who doesn’t love a listicle? That’s why T is for Continue reading Tip Top Top Tips (A to Z of Blogging)

Lessons You Can Learn From Successful Marketing Campaigns

Big Red Truck - Marketing Campaigns

  You may not have the budget or resources of a big successful business, but it’s surprising what you can learn from their marketing campaigns. Lessons you can apply to your own business, in your own unique way. This contributed Continue reading Lessons You Can Learn From Successful Marketing Campaigns

6 Harmful Blogging Mistakes

Six common blogging mistakes to avoid

  I love blogging. Blogging and networking are my two favourite ways to market myself and my business. Writing and chatting – Brilliant.   As a writer, blogging is the most intuitive way to communicate my message, but it doesn’t Continue reading 6 Harmful Blogging Mistakes

When Social Media and Blogging Collide (A to Z of Blogging)

when social media and blogging collide

  Using Social Media is a little like renting a room from a curmudgeonly landlord. You have to follow their rules. You’re not allowed to redecorate. You can have visitors, but only people on your designated friends’ list – unless Continue reading When Social Media and Blogging Collide (A to Z of Blogging)