What Marketing Tasks Should You Outsource?

One of the hardest things to accept when you work for yourself is that you don’t have to do everything yourself. However, if you want to achieve your goals as a business, sometimes it’s better to outsource. Save yourself time, Continue reading What Marketing Tasks Should You Outsource?

Alternatives To Plastic Packaging

I’m not going to pretend to know anything about materials science. I’m not a packaging expert. But as nothing more than a conscious consumer, I know there are better, sustainable, alternatives to single use plastic. I’ve seen them, I’ve bought Continue reading Alternatives To Plastic Packaging

How I Book Appointments And Take Payments Online (For Free)

Computer SEO

“How can I get people to book and pay?” It’s a question I get asked a lot when supporting micro enterprises. Being in business is not easy but you can keep it super simple. I use a free platform for Continue reading How I Book Appointments And Take Payments Online (For Free)

How To Write an eBook – Two Small Tips That Make a Big Difference

Books on a shelf

If you want to write and publish a book, here are my two pro tips to help you get there… Continue reading How To Write an eBook – Two Small Tips That Make a Big Difference

A Life Without Technology – How Far Would You Go?

Break the chain of plastic polluters

In the pursuit of living a sustainable, accountable and ethical lifestyle, some people are prepared to go much further than others. Mark Boyle, The Moneyless Man, went a whole year without using any money. His book is fascinating and makes Continue reading A Life Without Technology – How Far Would You Go?

Ikigai – A Journey of Purpose

What's your purpose

What’s your purpose? Do you even have ONE purpose? How do you discover what it is?   I’ve never been sure about this idea that we have A thing. A gift.   “It’s needlessly limiting to believe that your life Continue reading Ikigai – A Journey of Purpose

Grow Your Own Happiness: A Book Review

grow your own happiness

I was attracted to this book as I am drawn to the idea of happiness being something you can nurture, grow and cultivate. When I saw it, I thought it had something to do with gardening for mindfulness or growing Continue reading Grow Your Own Happiness: A Book Review

Consumers Want Less Plastic Pollution – What Can Supermarkets Do?

A picture can say a thousand words…. That’s a lot of plastic pollution right there! I picked this one up from Greenpeace’s Social Media and it says it all – but I’m still going to qualify it with my own Continue reading Consumers Want Less Plastic Pollution – What Can Supermarkets Do?

I Just Bought Some Expensive Leggings and Here’s Why

expensive leggings

I just spent £25 on a pair of leggings. I could have spent more if I was label or fashion conscious, but already this is more than I have ever spent on a single pair of leggings!   Finding Your Continue reading I Just Bought Some Expensive Leggings and Here’s Why

3 Ways To Ensure Your Team Are Happy And Confident In What They’re Doing Each Day

Team work makes the dream work! A happy and confident team is a productive one. These tips are from a contributor – 3 ways to get the best from the people around you.   3 Ways To Ensure Your Team Continue reading 3 Ways To Ensure Your Team Are Happy And Confident In What They’re Doing Each Day