Stop Trying and Start Doing – Thoughts On Perfectionism

Stop Trying Start Doing - Perfectionism

Being true to yourself is something you can’t do if you are preoccupied with the validation and approval of others. The Lie Of Perfectionism Perfectionism masquerades as a positive thing, the drive to create something faultless, something that is the Continue reading Stop Trying and Start Doing – Thoughts On Perfectionism

Lessons You Can Learn From Successful Marketing Campaigns

Big Red Truck - Marketing Campaigns

  You may not have the budget or resources of a big successful business, but it’s surprising what you can learn from their marketing campaigns. Lessons you can apply to your own business, in your own unique way. This contributed Continue reading Lessons You Can Learn From Successful Marketing Campaigns

When Social Media and Blogging Collide (A to Z of Blogging)

when social media and blogging collide

  Using Social Media is a little like renting a room from a curmudgeonly landlord. You have to follow their rules. You’re not allowed to redecorate. You can have visitors, but only people on your designated friends’ list – unless Continue reading When Social Media and Blogging Collide (A to Z of Blogging)

How To Schedule Social Media For Free

How to schedule social media for free

    When I happened upon Hootsuite to schedule updates for the first time – covering for our Marketing Manager in a previous job – my mind was blown. Suddenly I realised the potential of being able to plan my Continue reading How To Schedule Social Media For Free

Being A Problem Solver (A to Z of Blogging)

Problem solving with your blog

What’s the first thing we all do these days if we have a problem with something? We’ll Google it! …Or take to our Social Media channels and ask the hive mind what they think.   The Purpose Of Business Strip Continue reading Being A Problem Solver (A to Z of Blogging)

The Consulting Industry In The UK

Consulting industry trends in the UK

Knoweldge = Value Information services is a key area of consultancy in the UK reporting the highest growth in recent years. When you create your own online content – such as a  blog – not only are you building your Continue reading The Consulting Industry In The UK

Are You A Business, An Entrepreneur or A Freelancer?

How do you describe what you? A business or an entrepreneur?do

  I was always entrepreneurial and creative. My first experience of being ‘an entrepreneur’ was in the mid 1980’s – I think I was about 8 years old!   A Child Entrepreneur (?) My sister and I were really into Continue reading Are You A Business, An Entrepreneur or A Freelancer?

Fall In Love With Your Blog (A-Z of Blogging)

love to write

My love affair with blogging started in 2013 when I was in process of publishing my first book – The Bronze Box. Every day I did one thing towards publishing and marketing my first book, then every week I would Continue reading Fall In Love With Your Blog (A-Z of Blogging)

5 Do’s and Don’ts of Setting Up a Website

Website design tips

I’m always happy to consider guests on the blog, so when writer Natalia Tsahelnik contacted me with her ideas I was happy to give her a chance. Here are her top tips when you set up your website…   5 Continue reading 5 Do’s and Don’ts of Setting Up a Website

Outsourcing for Small Businesses – is it possible?

Wearing many hats. Outsourcing for Small Businesses

I’m very fond of hats! You’ll have noticed on my website, many pictures of me sporting my favourite fedora. People know me for my hats. When you work for yourself, wearing many hats becomes part of your reality, especially in Continue reading Outsourcing for Small Businesses – is it possible?