Help Bring Literature to Life in Bristol

From October 15th to 24th 2015 is the fifth Bristol Festival of Literature. This year I’m on the organising committee. This citywide community festival is run entirety by volunteers and we receive no funding for it, but putting on an Continue reading Help Bring Literature to Life in Bristol

Curious about Content Marketing and Blogging? Find out more…

When you work for yourself it can be lonely. We don’t get the stimulus and creative input we would from being around like minded people. In our increasingly connected world, it’s impossible to run a business in isolation, we need Continue reading Curious about Content Marketing and Blogging? Find out more…

Blogging for Beginners: 10 Top Tips

  Blogging is one of the simplest and immediate ways to demonstrate your style, expertise and share knowledge. Bloggers never run out of things to say on Social Media. There are different ways you can venture into the world of Continue reading Blogging for Beginners: 10 Top Tips