The Cost Of Living Is Unsustainable

It’s a familiar mantra – reported in the media as a ‘Cost Of Living’ crisis – as if rising costs are a temporary blip, that we should sit tight and ride it out. Which would make sense, if there was Continue reading The Cost Of Living Is Unsustainable

3 How To Projects to Upcycle Old Jeans

I had a load of old jeans in my sewing stash, things that I’ve kept for years with the intention of using one day. The potting shed at Hen’s Tooth has given me just that opportunity. When I’m making things Continue reading 3 How To Projects to Upcycle Old Jeans

Why Sustainability Should Define Your Startup

international business growth

When you startup something new, you have a golden opportunity to set the agenda, define your values and boldly assert your presence for the future. “Be the change you want to see in the world,” is a quote attributed to Continue reading Why Sustainability Should Define Your Startup

Sustainability: A Holistic Approach

The cost of doing business should not be the Earth. Sustainability is a word that gets thrown around casually, as if it’s something you can retrofit into your business – a ‘nice to have’. What do we really mean when Continue reading Sustainability: A Holistic Approach

The Joy Of Shopping Slow

Shop slow. Vote with your pound

At the end of last year, I had a moment or pure frustration when attempting to buy a few bits in Asda. EVERYTHING I needed was only available in single use plastic. Including the bread that I watched a baker Continue reading The Joy Of Shopping Slow

My Big Plastic Count Results

Did you do the Big Plastic Count last week? My results are in! 69 pieces of plastic in the Morse house and 49 of them were cellophane wrapped packets from our Gousto boxes. I’m disappointed that ONE place is responsible Continue reading My Big Plastic Count Results

Alternatives To Plastic Packaging

I’m not going to pretend to know anything about materials science. I’m not a packaging expert. But as nothing more than a conscious consumer, I know there are better, sustainable, alternatives to single use plastic. I’ve seen them, I’ve bought Continue reading Alternatives To Plastic Packaging

Consumers Want Less Plastic Pollution – What Can Supermarkets Do?

A picture can say a thousand words…. That’s a lot of plastic pollution right there! I picked this one up from Greenpeace’s Social Media and it says it all – but I’m still going to qualify it with my own Continue reading Consumers Want Less Plastic Pollution – What Can Supermarkets Do?

I Just Bought Some Expensive Leggings and Here’s Why

expensive leggings

I just spent £25 on a pair of leggings. I could have spent more if I was label or fashion conscious, but already this is more than I have ever spent on a single pair of leggings!   Finding Your Continue reading I Just Bought Some Expensive Leggings and Here’s Why

A Year Without Supermarkets – Why I’m Doing it and is it Possible?

At Christmas, while shoppers were picking up 9p veg, as supermarkets were in a price war for the lowest cost possible for Christmas dinner, I found myself enraged… Why? Because food shouldn’t be that cheap. An unpopular opinion, perhaps, but Continue reading A Year Without Supermarkets – Why I’m Doing it and is it Possible?