Craft Your Vision Board for the Year Ahead

As the Earth completes another orbit of the Sun, we naturally look ahead. Preferably with hope and optimism – although that can be challenging in these trying times. It’s always around his time of year (December / January) that I Continue reading Craft Your Vision Board for the Year Ahead

What’s The Point of a Vision Board?

Creating a vision board

Here in the UK, we have started 2021 in yet another lockdown. via GIPHY I’m so over lockdowns, it’s getting boring now…   Apparently, having learned nothing from the last two lockdowns, some bright spark thought we should give it Continue reading What’s The Point of a Vision Board?

Something to Declare?

It’s time to declare your intentions… When you get off a flight into the UK, between passport control and the exit you are faced with three possible exits: The Green Door The Blue Door (I wonder what colour they’ll paint Continue reading Something to Declare?