Slightly Improve Your Life With Little Effort

setting intentions - big change low effort

The first snowdrops and crocuses are starting to bloom, and that’s a sure sign that spring is approaching. Hope and possibility, planning ahead, setting goals, looking forward to brighter mornings. It’s tempting to set ourselves big, ambitious objectives, that take Continue reading Slightly Improve Your Life With Little Effort

Writing Through Creative Constipation

write your book

Some days, it’s just hard. You’re sat there, straining to push it out but getting nowhere. You know you ‘should’ be writing – that blog, that course content, that story, those next 1000 words – but it’s blocked. Don’t Call Continue reading Writing Through Creative Constipation

Turn Your Inclinations Into Intentions

Set your intentions to love writing

I write. I’ve written books. I’ve written hundreds of blogs. I bullet journal. I have a pen in my hand when I read. When I have an idea I process my thoughts by writing about them – writing helps me Continue reading Turn Your Inclinations Into Intentions

A Time For Soulful Writing

Soulful writing

“One day I’ll quit my job and write a book!” Have you ever said that? Or what about… “One day, I’ll go on a retreat and write my book?” We’ve been gifted a unique opportunity. Lives have been put on Continue reading A Time For Soulful Writing