I Just Bought Some Expensive Leggings and Here’s Why

expensive leggings

I just spent £25 on a pair of leggings. I could have spent more if I was label or fashion conscious, but already this is more than I have ever spent on a single pair of leggings!   Finding Your Continue reading I Just Bought Some Expensive Leggings and Here’s Why

A Year Without Supermarkets – Why I’m Doing it and is it Possible?

At Christmas, while shoppers were picking up 9p veg, as supermarkets were in a price war for the lowest cost possible for Christmas dinner, I found myself enraged… Why? Because food shouldn’t be that cheap. An unpopular opinion, perhaps, but Continue reading A Year Without Supermarkets – Why I’m Doing it and is it Possible?

Being A Little Bit Activist

being a little bit activist - protest

I want to be more activist when it comes to green business, sustainability, and the environment.  As I’m still not reading any fiction at the moment, most of my recent book choices are along those lines. More of my thinking, planning, Continue reading Being A Little Bit Activist

Essentialism: Inspiration and A Book Review

Book review and tips on essentialism

  Remember Marie Condo? Her decluttering methodology was so 2019.Her approach to clearing out your wardrobe was to only keep the clothes that ‘spark joy’, then thank the rest of your clothes before putting them in the charity bag. I Continue reading Essentialism: Inspiration and A Book Review

Big Dreams, Shallow Pockets: Help To Start A Business (UK)

Big dreams shallow pockets. Get help for your start up business

Is It All Change For You? As lockdown eases and we slowly get comfortable with our new reality, many of us are questioning the work we do and the choices we’ve made. Here in the UK millions of employees were Continue reading Big Dreams, Shallow Pockets: Help To Start A Business (UK)

Eat Local: Pros and Cons of Fruit and Veg Boxes

One thing we can all do to support our communities is to shop local. It sounds obvious, but the fact that people will queue around the block for a supermarket, while I can walk straight into my local greengrocers, speaks Continue reading Eat Local: Pros and Cons of Fruit and Veg Boxes

The All Homemade Cream Tea

Homemade cream tea, with scones jam and cream recipes

  As an solopreneur, I’m always on a journey towards the next thing. More and more I find myself wanting to embrace a simpler, sustainable life with a sustainable business true to those values. Many of us have been doing Continue reading The All Homemade Cream Tea

How To Make Sourdough Bread

How to make sourdough bread

    We’ve been conditioned to know the cost of everything and the value of nothing. Since the Industrial Revolution, time and money have been inextricably linked. One thing many of us have learned during the Coronavirus Crisis is the Continue reading How To Make Sourdough Bread

Lockdown Makes: Homemade Soap

Wash your hands with homemade soap

Making toiletries and soap at home has long been on my radar. While we’re in Lockdown and staying home, we have been gifted time to get creative. I’ve been using some of my time to embark on random acts of Continue reading Lockdown Makes: Homemade Soap

The World’s Most Famous Libraries From The Past and Present

The world's most famous libraries

  As a child, I have many memories of libraries. My dad has been researching our family tree for as long as I can remember, and before the internet, (yes, I’m that old!) research involved going to the library. Dad Continue reading The World’s Most Famous Libraries From The Past and Present