Homemade Natural Deodorant That Really Works

simple sustainable homemade deodorant recipe

I can’t help but wonder what nasty chemicals go into the deodorant I slather onto my sweaty armpits every day. Often packed in single use plastic, I’ve tried to use mostly deodorant in glass bottles – but that still creates recycling. Continue reading Homemade Natural Deodorant That Really Works

Make Your Own Make Up

Reduce your chemical load and plastic waste by trying these homemade make up recipes. Continue reading Make Your Own Make Up

Leave Your Tributes, but Take Your Plastic Home

I’m not a Royalist. I also don’t especially hold any strong opinions about whether the UK should be a republic. We’ve already had our Bristish Trump, thanks. Please, never again! I would describe my feelings about Royalty in general as Continue reading Leave Your Tributes, but Take Your Plastic Home

Calling Out The Biggest Plastic Polluters

Calling out the plastic polluters

Every month, I collect the stories that fascinate, inspire, educate and are generally worth keeping for reference on a Flipboard monthly magazine. I try to keep it positive, but sometimes, some stories stand out. I found this article on Reuters Continue reading Calling Out The Biggest Plastic Polluters

Eat Local: Pros and Cons of Fruit and Veg Boxes

One thing we can all do to support our communities is to shop local. It sounds obvious, but the fact that people will queue around the block for a supermarket, while I can walk straight into my local greengrocers, speaks Continue reading Eat Local: Pros and Cons of Fruit and Veg Boxes