Big Dreams, Shallow Pockets: Help To Start A Business (UK)

Big dreams shallow pockets. Get help for your start up business

Is It All Change For You? As lockdown eases and we slowly get comfortable with our new reality, many of us are questioning the work we do and the choices we’ve made. Here in the UK millions of employees were Continue reading Big Dreams, Shallow Pockets: Help To Start A Business (UK)

How To Make Sourdough Bread

How to make sourdough bread

    We’ve been conditioned to know the cost of everything and the value of nothing. Since the Industrial Revolution, time and money have been inextricably linked. One thing many of us have learned during the Coronavirus Crisis is the Continue reading How To Make Sourdough Bread

Why You Should Go It Alone In Your Business

Setting up alone to turn your dreams into reality

Setting up your own business has never been more accessible. It’s why self-employment is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the economy. But being in business doesn’t mean having to employ a team of people and paying for expensive premises. Continue reading Why You Should Go It Alone In Your Business

We Need To Talk About Micro-Enterprise

Support The micro-enterprise community

Larger businesses may be the backbone of the UK economy. But small and micro-enterprise are the tendons, blood vessels, muscles, joints and nerve endings that glue it all together. In my 20+ years of experience, successive governments of various colours, Continue reading We Need To Talk About Micro-Enterprise

Passion Projects #9: A Little Business Brilliance, with Lori West

Women in business juggling priorities - a passion project interview with Lori West of Business Brilliance

  There are plenty of conversations going on about mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, it’s refreshing to meet Lori of Business Brilliance – someone who is actively making it their mission in life to do something about it. Continue reading Passion Projects #9: A Little Business Brilliance, with Lori West

After The Great Pause

after the great pause change the world

My newsletter at the start of March was about slowing down, less is more. I doubt many of us (certainly in the UK and US anyway) knew back then what was in store for us! We are a few weeks Continue reading After The Great Pause

A Time For Soulful Writing

Soulful writing

“One day I’ll quit my job and write a book!” Have you ever said that? Or what about… “One day, I’ll go on a retreat and write my book?” We’ve been gifted a unique opportunity. Lives have been put on Continue reading A Time For Soulful Writing

The Joy Of Journaling

bullet journal the joy or journalling

Getting creative with a journal – I love stationery. I have loads of notebooks. And coloured pens, and stencils and stickers. When I saw this book I knew I needed it in my life. So, what is a Bullet Journal? Continue reading The Joy Of Journaling

If Your Homepage Isn’t A Sales Funnel, You’re Missing Out

Homepage sales funnel

  This is a timely submission from a contributor as I am just in the process of updating my website with my 2020 offering. This is an interesting take on how to make your website work harder for your business. Continue reading If Your Homepage Isn’t A Sales Funnel, You’re Missing Out

How Awakening Your Creativity Can Benefit You and Your Business

getting creative for your business and personal development

When we talk about creativity, the first thing people think about is being ‘artistic’. I believe we are all creative, it’s part of our DNA. The ability to imagine possibilities is what makes us human. Just because you can’t draw, Continue reading How Awakening Your Creativity Can Benefit You and Your Business