Sometimes, we all have the urge to give up on a task or a goal, especially when it feels like we’re getting nowhere or it isn’t going the way we expected.
My theme for August is ‘Get It Done’ – I’m determined to cross a few writing projects off my list that have been hanging around for too long!
The enthusiasm of my intern over the past few weeks – Cristiana Noaptes – has certainly motivated me to keep going. To do more. Be more.
Being responsible for someone else in my business has certainly inspired me this summer, and Cristiana has been inspired to write this article.

Still a student and English is not her first language – until she joined me Cristiana had never published her writing like this, but her bravery and determination to learn and succeed have left me feeling privileged to share her words with my readers.
Here are her top tips to never give up on your goals and dreams.
Over the Cristiana…
Is it really easy to achieve our goals?
To make our deeper dreams real?
I won’t try to convince you, we all know it’s not always easy, and not fast at all.
But is this a good reason to give up? No, it’s not.
Let me give you some tips about how you could face up to your dreams and fears.
If your journey to happiness seems still far away, try to make it become closer doing some little steps every day that will allow you to achieve your purpose.
You must start slowly, and be doing little things every day won’t make you feel bored or tired for all the effort you have already done.
Start without rushing, and don’t be scared if the results you’re looking for won’t appear as magic in the first few days.
You’re trying to do something special, different, that in some way is changing your life.
Great, you should be proud!
But don’t think like that.
If you’ll start acting and then thinking you’re great for having done something new, once you’ll stop you’ll feel very disappointed with yourself, and it will be very easy for you to give up, thinking that you’ve already stopped after only two days of new lifestyle.
Do the opposite! Take it easy.
Look at your new actions as a simple routine that makes you feel comfortable, and don’t punish yourself if it’s not enough. You’ll have another chance tomorrow to do more.
Feel satisfied knowing it’s already part of your daily life!
It’s going to be hard and stressful, but every time you’ll think to give up, start thinking about why you want to do it, why you want to achieve that goal.
If you already started it must mean something for you.
If you’re already halfway why give up now?
You can do it! And to do it, you must convince yourself first of all!
Our brain is our best weapon, to convince us, and also to let us down, so let’s use it in the right manner!
Are you worried about all the commitments you have to do, and how to make them work if you have so many?
Write down what you have to do and when.
It’ll help you to organize your engagements and to avoid all the stress and bother trying to remember what you were supposed to do and if you’ve done it!
You could try writing everything on a journal or if you think it’s easier putting all your events on your phone calendar, so every day you’ll receive a message with all the things you’re supposed to do.
As already said, don’t give up while you’re halfway. You’ll just keep asking yourself how it could’ve ended, if you would have been happy by achieving your goal, how would you feel, and so on…
Don’t give up until it’s done! Try to be brave, and curious, don’t you want to enjoy your own little wins?
You’ll feel so proud of yourself!
You’ll feel like you could do anything! And that’s exactly the truth!
You’re human, and you can do whatever flows through your mind if you really want it with all your heart!
“Start something new again and keep proving to yourself that you’re absolutely talented!”
The best way to prove to yourself you can do whatever you want is to keep busy with new challenges that mean something for you. Once you achieve one of your goals you’ll be more ambitious and confident that you can really do whatever you want.
So start something new again and keep proving to yourself that you’re absolutely talented!
Some lovely motivational lessons from Cristiana, wise beyond her years!
It’s been a great pleasure having her work with me over the past few weeks.