Every time you write a piece of content you’re creating something new, something with the potential to use over and over again.
I recently told a client I was lazy. He gave me a crooked look and said; “Way to sell yourself, Amy?”
…I’m lazy because; I like to have simple systems and processes in place so I can get stuff done, quickly and effectively, leaving room in my day to do what I enjoy. There’s no sense in constantly reinventing the wheel. I want to do something once then re-use, re-purpose and recycle it (without being repetitive).
This is what I do for my clients through; workshops, content sharing, public speaking and working 1:1 to help them be more productive in their businesses.

When I create a new piece of content, I look for ways I can use that knowledge in different ways – wheels aren’t just for wagons, after all.
Here are 16 ways to make the most out of that piece of content.
It’s not just a blog post, it can also be…
- Workshop handouts
- The basis of a face to face workshop
- A flow chart
- Built into an online course
- Visually represented as an infographic
- Recorded as a podcast
- Presented in video form
- Turned into a cartoon
- A printable
- Made into a quiz
- Gamified
- Revisited and referenced into an updated post
- Used as a checklist
- Presentation slides to deliver as a talk
- Expanded on to form the basis of an eBook
- Compiled, along with other posts, into an eBook. I’ve done this with ‘Authorpreneur Almanac’.
I took 52 of my best blog posts and added some new content to create a once a week digest of tips and inspiration. Get the eBook HERE
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