5 Essential Tips to Become a Professional Vlogger – A Guest Post

  I’m hosting another guest on the blog this week. Vlogger, Martin Agger pitched this idea to me and I’m pleased to share his insights with you. Although writing it my thing – I am an Author after all – Continue reading 5 Essential Tips to Become a Professional Vlogger – A Guest Post

A Time For Soulful Writing

Soulful writing

“One day I’ll quit my job and write a book!” Have you ever said that? Or what about… “One day, I’ll go on a retreat and write my book?” We’ve been gifted a unique opportunity. Lives have been put on Continue reading A Time For Soulful Writing

The Joy Of Journaling

bullet journal the joy or journalling

Getting creative with a journal – I love stationery. I have loads of notebooks. And coloured pens, and stencils and stickers. When I saw this book I knew I needed it in my life. So, what is a Bullet Journal? Continue reading The Joy Of Journaling

How Awakening Your Creativity Can Benefit You and Your Business

getting creative for your business and personal development

When we talk about creativity, the first thing people think about is being ‘artistic’. I believe we are all creative, it’s part of our DNA. The ability to imagine possibilities is what makes us human. Just because you can’t draw, Continue reading How Awakening Your Creativity Can Benefit You and Your Business

Idea Sharing vs Idea Creating – Discovering Flipboard

It’s stressful having to come up with new and fresh content ideas all the time. But, what if I told you you didn’t have to? Millions of new articles, images and videos are uploaded to the web every minute of Continue reading Idea Sharing vs Idea Creating – Discovering Flipboard

The World’s Most Famous Libraries From The Past and Present

The world's most famous libraries

  As a child, I have many memories of libraries. My dad has been researching our family tree for as long as I can remember, and before the internet, (yes, I’m that old!) research involved going to the library. Dad Continue reading The World’s Most Famous Libraries From The Past and Present

10 Social Media Tools to Help You Write Better Posts

Tip top top tips

  Featuring another contributor, sharing a few useful tools to help write better posts.   10 Social Media Tools to Help You Write Better Posts Staying on top of everything in today’s digital-first world as a marketer can be a Continue reading 10 Social Media Tools to Help You Write Better Posts

Why Your WordPress Site Is So Slow (And What To Do About It)

Speeding Up Your WordPress website

  I’m not a web designer, but I do like using WordPress for my blog. I’m happy to host a contributor with some quick tips to speed up your WordPress website, I’ll be trying these out myself! Why Your WordPress Continue reading Why Your WordPress Site Is So Slow (And What To Do About It)

Lessons From Another Year in Business

Lessons learned from another year in Business

I have a memory of a school Parent’s Evening. As a sometime teacher’s pet, my innate need to please made me a bit of a suck-up, constantly seeking approval. I was often the first with a hand up in class Continue reading Lessons From Another Year in Business

Gorgeous Greetings – Fortune Is In The Follow Up

Sending greetings

It’s that time of year again where we go into retail meltdown – buy all the things, eat all the pies! Seasons Greetings! Spending money we don’t have buying things for people who don’t want them… Above all else, Christmas Continue reading Gorgeous Greetings – Fortune Is In The Follow Up