8 Great Tips For Enhancing Your Business Identity

They say, ‘you never get a second chance to make a first impression.’ This contributor article share 8 great tips to help your business create a lasting first impression. As a business owner, you know that your brand is one Continue reading 8 Great Tips For Enhancing Your Business Identity

What Marketing Tasks Should You Outsource?

One of the hardest things to accept when you work for yourself is that you don’t have to do everything yourself. However, if you want to achieve your goals as a business, sometimes it’s better to outsource. Save yourself time, Continue reading What Marketing Tasks Should You Outsource?

How I Book Appointments And Take Payments Online (For Free)

Computer SEO

“How can I get people to book and pay?” It’s a question I get asked a lot when supporting micro enterprises. Being in business is not easy but you can keep it super simple. I use a free platform for Continue reading How I Book Appointments And Take Payments Online (For Free)

How To Write an eBook – Two Small Tips That Make a Big Difference

Books on a shelf

If you want to write and publish a book, here are my two pro tips to help you get there… Continue reading How To Write an eBook – Two Small Tips That Make a Big Difference

Ikigai – A Journey of Purpose

What's your purpose

What’s your purpose? Do you even have ONE purpose? How do you discover what it is?   I’ve never been sure about this idea that we have A thing. A gift.   “It’s needlessly limiting to believe that your life Continue reading Ikigai – A Journey of Purpose

3 Ways To Ensure Your Team Are Happy And Confident In What They’re Doing Each Day

Team work makes the dream work! A happy and confident team is a productive one. These tips are from a contributor – 3 ways to get the best from the people around you.   3 Ways To Ensure Your Team Continue reading 3 Ways To Ensure Your Team Are Happy And Confident In What They’re Doing Each Day

The Real Reasons Customers Aren’t Buying From You

create a professional impression with your business

Great tips from a contributor. How well are you converting clicks to customers?   The Real Reasons Customers Aren’t Buying From You So, you’ve built what you think is a great product. Items should be flying out of your inventory, Continue reading The Real Reasons Customers Aren’t Buying From You

Why I Wanted to Self Publish (& You Could Too)

8 reasons why I chose to self publish my books

I responded to a comment on a fellow writer friend’s Facebook post a while back in which someone said, “You’d have to be desperate to self publish with Amazon“. I couldn’t resist the urge to challenge them on their assumptions Continue reading Why I Wanted to Self Publish (& You Could Too)

12 Marketing Methods To Skyrocket Your Small Business

marketing methods

To take your business to the next level with these solid marketing methods – you need to get some basics right first. Here are 12 contributor tips to help you grow your enterprise.   12 Marketing Methods To Skyrocket Your Continue reading 12 Marketing Methods To Skyrocket Your Small Business

Why All Fiction Writers Should Have A Blog

Blogging for writers

When I wrote the Sheridan and Blake books, my blog was the linchpin in my content marketing. The great thing about blogging for writers is you do the thing you are going to do anyway… write… and at the same Continue reading Why All Fiction Writers Should Have A Blog