Consumers Want Less Plastic Pollution – What Can Supermarkets Do?

A picture can say a thousand words…. That’s a lot of plastic pollution right there! I picked this one up from Greenpeace’s Social Media and it says it all – but I’m still going to qualify it with my own Continue reading Consumers Want Less Plastic Pollution – What Can Supermarkets Do?

I Just Bought Some Expensive Leggings and Here’s Why

expensive leggings

I just spent £25 on a pair of leggings. I could have spent more if I was label or fashion conscious, but already this is more than I have ever spent on a single pair of leggings!   Finding Your Continue reading I Just Bought Some Expensive Leggings and Here’s Why

A Year Without Supermarkets – Why I’m Doing it and is it Possible?

At Christmas, while shoppers were picking up 9p veg, as supermarkets were in a price war for the lowest cost possible for Christmas dinner, I found myself enraged… Why? Because food shouldn’t be that cheap. An unpopular opinion, perhaps, but Continue reading A Year Without Supermarkets – Why I’m Doing it and is it Possible?

Proverb Refillable Deodorant: A Product Review

deodorant testing

I received a lovely email, offering me a free Proverb Refillable Deodorant to test and blog about. I’m always pleased to see innovative sustainable products and happy to test them out. Why I Said Yes? Who doesn’t enjoy a freebie! But Continue reading Proverb Refillable Deodorant: A Product Review

3 Ways To Ensure Your Team Are Happy And Confident In What They’re Doing Each Day

Team work makes the dream work! A happy and confident team is a productive one. These tips are from a contributor – 3 ways to get the best from the people around you.   3 Ways To Ensure Your Team Continue reading 3 Ways To Ensure Your Team Are Happy And Confident In What They’re Doing Each Day

The Real Reasons Customers Aren’t Buying From You

create a professional impression with your business

Great tips from a contributor. How well are you converting clicks to customers?   The Real Reasons Customers Aren’t Buying From You So, you’ve built what you think is a great product. Items should be flying out of your inventory, Continue reading The Real Reasons Customers Aren’t Buying From You

Why I Wanted to Self Publish (& You Could Too)

8 reasons why I chose to self publish my books

I responded to a comment on a fellow writer friend’s Facebook post a while back in which someone said, “You’d have to be desperate to self publish with Amazon“. I couldn’t resist the urge to challenge them on their assumptions Continue reading Why I Wanted to Self Publish (& You Could Too)

Embrace and Enjoy Your Averageness

embrace being average

We all like to feel special, it’s human nature, we are physiologically programmed to crave that dopamine hit. We’d all like to be remembered long after our time on Earth is up. But the fact is, most of us won’t Continue reading Embrace and Enjoy Your Averageness

Calling Out The Biggest Plastic Polluters

Calling out the plastic polluters

Every month, I collect the stories that fascinate, inspire, educate and are generally worth keeping for reference on a Flipboard monthly magazine. I try to keep it positive, but sometimes, some stories stand out. I found this article on Reuters Continue reading Calling Out The Biggest Plastic Polluters

12 Marketing Methods To Skyrocket Your Small Business

marketing methods

To take your business to the next level with these solid marketing methods – you need to get some basics right first. Here are 12 contributor tips to help you grow your enterprise.   12 Marketing Methods To Skyrocket Your Continue reading 12 Marketing Methods To Skyrocket Your Small Business