Passion Projects #8: Pearls of Wisdom with Jan Para

pearls of wisdom passion project

    Retiring quietly and retreating into the shadows was never going to be an option for the next passion-driven entrepreneur I’m featuring in the Passion Project series. When Jan Para started The Rocks Collection, it was a way to see Continue reading Passion Projects #8: Pearls of Wisdom with Jan Para

Directing Your Energy – A Little Adventure in Kinetic Divination

Crystal and Kinetic Divination

“Where your attention goes, your energy flows” I have a vague memory of a work away day. It was so many years ago, I’m not even sure where I was working! One of the team-building exercises was to describe each Continue reading Directing Your Energy – A Little Adventure in Kinetic Divination

Listen To Others, But Think For Yourself

Listen to the fluffy monster of a goal

Do you have a big fluffy monster of a goal? It’s so massive, it’s almost inconceivable, almost. Something fluffy, amorphous that might take you a lifetime to reach. The closer you get, the more massive it seems. Like a mountain Continue reading Listen To Others, But Think For Yourself

Stop Trying and Start Doing – Thoughts On Perfectionism

Stop Trying Start Doing - Perfectionism

Being true to yourself is something you can’t do if you are preoccupied with the validation and approval of others. The Lie Of Perfectionism Perfectionism masquerades as a positive thing, the drive to create something faultless, something that is the Continue reading Stop Trying and Start Doing – Thoughts On Perfectionism

Lessons You Can Learn From Successful Marketing Campaigns

Big Red Truck - Marketing Campaigns

  You may not have the budget or resources of a big successful business, but it’s surprising what you can learn from their marketing campaigns. Lessons you can apply to your own business, in your own unique way. This contributed Continue reading Lessons You Can Learn From Successful Marketing Campaigns

Passion Projects #4: Children’s Book Sequels – For Young Book Lovers

Children's Book Sequels - for kids who love to read

  “A child who reads will be an adult who thinks.” This is the inspiration behind the next in my series of Passion Projects. Sarah Corcoran has been a book lover all her life. She’s the brains behind the website Continue reading Passion Projects #4: Children’s Book Sequels – For Young Book Lovers

Becoming a Digital Nomad (Guest Post)

Becoming a digital nomad

Living The Nomad Life One day, I’ll travel far and wide with Learn To Love Your Words and live the nomad life! My vision has always been to travel. I want my business to be a means of doing so, Continue reading Becoming a Digital Nomad (Guest Post)

Being A Problem Solver (A to Z of Blogging)

Problem solving with your blog

What’s the first thing we all do these days if we have a problem with something? We’ll Google it! …Or take to our Social Media channels and ask the hive mind what they think.   The Purpose Of Business Strip Continue reading Being A Problem Solver (A to Z of Blogging)

Should I Oppose Others In My Blogs? (A – Z of Blogging Series)

How to oppose an opinion on your blog

Very few of us go around deliberately upsetting others. It’s natural to not want to oppose someone. I was at an event recently and got chatting to a fellow small business owner. He said something that could have been taken Continue reading Should I Oppose Others In My Blogs? (A – Z of Blogging Series)

Are You A Business, An Entrepreneur or A Freelancer?

How do you describe what you? A business or an entrepreneur?do

  I was always entrepreneurial and creative. My first experience of being ‘an entrepreneur’ was in the mid 1980’s – I think I was about 8 years old!   A Child Entrepreneur (?) My sister and I were really into Continue reading Are You A Business, An Entrepreneur or A Freelancer?