5 Actionable Tips On Attracting New Clients To Your Freelancing Business – A Guest Post

How to attract new clients to your freelancing business

  Welcoming freelancing Writer Heather Redding back to the blog this week, sharing timely tips on attracting next clients. Predictably, my favourites are points 3 and 5: Networking and starting a blog. Over to Heather…   5 Actionable Tips On Continue reading 5 Actionable Tips On Attracting New Clients To Your Freelancing Business – A Guest Post

Big Dreams, Shallow Pockets: Help To Start A Business (UK)

Big dreams shallow pockets. Get help for your start up business

Is It All Change For You? As lockdown eases and we slowly get comfortable with our new reality, many of us are questioning the work we do and the choices we’ve made. Here in the UK millions of employees were Continue reading Big Dreams, Shallow Pockets: Help To Start A Business (UK)

5 Creative Ways to Boost Brand Awareness and Reputation – A Guest Post

Meet in the middle and raise awareness

Thanks to another contributor for these handy tips…   5 Creative Ways to Boost Brand Awareness and Reputation Pexels   There’s a line of thinking in the bowels of marketing chambers that any publicity is good publicity. It’s based upon Continue reading 5 Creative Ways to Boost Brand Awareness and Reputation – A Guest Post

Why Hackers Are Targeting Start-Ups and How to Protect Your Young Venture – A Guest Post

Break the chain cyber security

Featuring a guest post this week on cyber security and the measure you can take as a small business to protect yourself…   Why Hackers Are Targeting Start-Ups and How to Protect Your Young Venture   image from unsplash.com   Continue reading Why Hackers Are Targeting Start-Ups and How to Protect Your Young Venture – A Guest Post

Playful Blogging – Authentic Creativity On Your Blog

Roll the dice, get playful with your blogs

“There’s no evidence to suggest that life is serious.” I don’t know who, if anyone, famously inspirational ever said that but I say that! Life is for being playful. Life is for living, loving and having fun. That’s not to Continue reading Playful Blogging – Authentic Creativity On Your Blog

Why You Should Go It Alone In Your Business

Setting up alone to turn your dreams into reality

Setting up your own business has never been more accessible. It’s why self-employment is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the economy. But being in business doesn’t mean having to employ a team of people and paying for expensive premises. Continue reading Why You Should Go It Alone In Your Business

Lockdown Makes: Homemade Soap

Wash your hands with homemade soap

Making toiletries and soap at home has long been on my radar. While we’re in Lockdown and staying home, we have been gifted time to get creative. I’ve been using some of my time to embark on random acts of Continue reading Lockdown Makes: Homemade Soap

After The Great Pause

after the great pause change the world

My newsletter at the start of March was about slowing down, less is more. I doubt many of us (certainly in the UK and US anyway) knew back then what was in store for us! We are a few weeks Continue reading After The Great Pause

If Your Homepage Isn’t A Sales Funnel, You’re Missing Out

Homepage sales funnel

  This is a timely submission from a contributor as I am just in the process of updating my website with my 2020 offering. This is an interesting take on how to make your website work harder for your business. Continue reading If Your Homepage Isn’t A Sales Funnel, You’re Missing Out

Idea Sharing vs Idea Creating – Discovering Flipboard

It’s stressful having to come up with new and fresh content ideas all the time. But, what if I told you you didn’t have to? Millions of new articles, images and videos are uploaded to the web every minute of Continue reading Idea Sharing vs Idea Creating – Discovering Flipboard