The Principles of Permaculture and Why They Are Important

Planet covered in trees permaculture

Sustainable living and conscious consumption are increasingly part of the global conversation, but for those with no involvement in agriculture or growing your own food, permaculture may not be quite so familiar. Permaculture is a well established philosophy that harnesses Continue reading The Principles of Permaculture and Why They Are Important

Homemade Natural Deodorant That Really Works

simple sustainable homemade deodorant recipe

I can’t help but wonder what nasty chemicals go into the deodorant I slather onto my sweaty armpits every day. Often packed in single use plastic, I’ve tried to use mostly deodorant in glass bottles – but that still creates recycling. Continue reading Homemade Natural Deodorant That Really Works

The Cost Of Living Is Unsustainable

It’s a familiar mantra – reported in the media as a ‘Cost Of Living’ crisis – as if rising costs are a temporary blip, that we should sit tight and ride it out. Which would make sense, if there was Continue reading The Cost Of Living Is Unsustainable

3 How To Projects to Upcycle Old Jeans

I had a load of old jeans in my sewing stash, things that I’ve kept for years with the intention of using one day. The potting shed at Hen’s Tooth has given me just that opportunity. When I’m making things Continue reading 3 How To Projects to Upcycle Old Jeans

Why Sustainability Should Define Your Startup

international business growth

When you startup something new, you have a golden opportunity to set the agenda, define your values and boldly assert your presence for the future. “Be the change you want to see in the world,” is a quote attributed to Continue reading Why Sustainability Should Define Your Startup

Sustainability: A Holistic Approach

The cost of doing business should not be the Earth. Sustainability is a word that gets thrown around casually, as if it’s something you can retrofit into your business – a ‘nice to have’. What do we really mean when Continue reading Sustainability: A Holistic Approach

Project Hobo Stove

Hen’s Tooth allotment has given me a great opportunity to experiment with some off-grid projects. I’m breaking things down into baby steps; projects I can do in a day, or work on at home and take to Hen’s Tooth. Part Continue reading Project Hobo Stove

Project No Dig

When I took on Hen’s Tooth, I was keen to use sustainable practices when working the land. Healthy crops start with healthy soil. The Importance of Soil Soil health is an important aspect of agriculture and environmental sustainability. It plays Continue reading Project No Dig

Project Shed(s) Revamp

tools in a shed

Being the custodian of an allotment is a marathon, not a sprint. There is so much potential at Hen’s Tooth. I’m pacing myself with different projects and sharing my progress here, to inspire others to make the most of the Continue reading Project Shed(s) Revamp

The First Month at Hen’s Tooth Plot

It’s been about a month since I took on my Bristol allotment – Hen’s Tooth. What to do first? I’ve still not gotten over the excitement of taking on my allotment plot, but there is so much to do. It’s Continue reading The First Month at Hen’s Tooth Plot