Why Should You Write A Book For Your Business? – A Guest Post

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Publishing my first novel The Bronze Box – changed my life.

I’d realised a dream since childhood to be a published author, but sharing the process through blogging was the real game changer.

The power of content marketing started to dawn on me, and 5 years on it’s my business.

Publishing Blogging For Business was an important step, it put me on the map as a blogging for business expert, and it was really just a collection of blogs, upcycled and repurposed into an information product.


So, it’s a real pleasure to host fellow Bristol author and entrepreneur, Ann Hobbs on the blog.

Ann’s Kick Ass Your Life book changed her business and took her down a new path, helping other entrepreneurs to publish their book through her publishing house: Forward Thinking Publishing

Writing a book is a natural progression for my blogging mentees and many will choose to continue to work with me to make their writing work harder for their business. However, I really like the look of Ann’s ‘How To Write a Book in 4 Weeks‘ workshop.

Here’s Ann’s take on a few reasons to consider. Over to Ann…


Want to write a book

Why should you write a book for your business?

A book takes time, energy and money to produce so why should you go to all that effort as a busy business entrepreneur.

Writing a book was highlighted again for me last week when I had a meeting with another business and they gave me a book written by someone else so I could understand the point he was making.

Why didn’t that business give me a book that they had written?

When I published my book 2 years ago several things happened that took me by surprise. It helped me:-

  • Create a bigger audience

  • Qualify clients

  • Share my knowledge / content marketing

  • Help me create a workshop and a licenced product from the content in the book

  • Gave me expert status

  • Saved me time with clients

I knew when I published my book Kick Ass Your Life that it would give be expert status but I was unaware of all the other benefits.

Publishing a book also helped me to sell. I actually sold a high price ticket coaching package to someone in 10 minutes. I had never met this person before and I sat next to him at a networking meeting. I asked him later why he bought from me and not from the other 5 coaches in the room. He said, “you must know what you are talking about as you took the time to write a book”.

Wow, the power of a book!

It doesn’t take that much time, all it takes is effort and motivation and when you have a structured plan for your book then writing is easy.

I am running a workshop in which I will be sharing my 5 secrets that will help you produce a book that will enhance your business in 4 weeks. No gimmicks – these are the actual 5 steps I took. I wrote my book Kick Ass Your Life in 4 weeks. If I can do it, so can you.

Don’t let your business suffer – write a book and enhance your selling power.

Visit my website for more information



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Amy Morse What I Do

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