When Social Media and Blogging Collide (A to Z of Blogging)

when social media and blogging collide

  Using Social Media is a little like renting a room from a curmudgeonly landlord. You have to follow their rules. You’re not allowed to redecorate. You can have visitors, but only people on your designated friends’ list – unless Continue reading When Social Media and Blogging Collide (A to Z of Blogging)

How To Schedule Social Media For Free

How to schedule social media for free

    When I happened upon Hootsuite to schedule updates for the first time – covering for our Marketing Manager in a previous job – my mind was blown. Suddenly I realised the potential of being able to plan my Continue reading How To Schedule Social Media For Free

Passion Projects #4: Children’s Book Sequels – For Young Book Lovers

Children's Book Sequels - for kids who love to read

  “A child who reads will be an adult who thinks.” This is the inspiration behind the next in my series of Passion Projects. Sarah Corcoran has been a book lover all her life. She’s the brains behind the website Continue reading Passion Projects #4: Children’s Book Sequels – For Young Book Lovers

Passion Projects #3: Leanne Matthews of Purple Frogs. Helping Business Leap Ahead

Passion Project Interview with Purple Frogs VA. Helping businesses to leap ahead

  I recently met Leanne, of Purple Frogs Virtual Assistants (great name), at a ‘Blogging for Business’ workshop I was running on behalf of Women Mean Biz. She was so open to helping the others in the group during that Continue reading Passion Projects #3: Leanne Matthews of Purple Frogs. Helping Business Leap Ahead

7 Differences Between Digital Nomad and Remote Work Jobs

The changing world of work. Digital nomads and remote workers

  I shared an infographic from a contributor recently about Digital Nomads. As a response, another contributor offered their viewpoint and insights to take your work portable. So, what are the differences between Digital Nomads and Remote Workers? Thank you Continue reading 7 Differences Between Digital Nomad and Remote Work Jobs

Passion Projects #2: For Women In Business – Hils Crisp

Women in business juggling priorities. Passion Project interview with Hils Crisp

  In many ways, my business  journey has been on a parallel thread to the next business I’m proud to feature as a Passion Project I first met Hils Crisp when I was a Trainer at an Enterprise Agency and Continue reading Passion Projects #2: For Women In Business – Hils Crisp

What’s Your Passion Project?

Feature your business in the passion projects movement

After three years of redundancy warnings every few months, when the seventh one actually happened in 2015, I vowed I would never work for anyone else ever again. I’d finally escaped! The fear of ‘lack’ stopped me from taking the Continue reading What’s Your Passion Project?

Who Said Digital Is Impersonal?

You are invited - paperless post personalised digital stationery

I’m unashamedly a lover of stationery. The shelves of my office and art room are sagging under the weight of notebooks, sketchpads and boxes of pens.   Words And Pictures As a writer, but a visual learner, words create pictures Continue reading Who Said Digital Is Impersonal?

How Do I Repurpose Content Without Being Repetitive? (A – Z of Blogging)

How to repurpose your blogs for profit

  You never write a blog post once. Everything you create you can repurpose. That’s why ‘R’ is for Repurpose in my A to Z of Blogging Series.   Intellectual Property Has Value When you’ve written it yourself, you own Continue reading How Do I Repurpose Content Without Being Repetitive? (A – Z of Blogging)

Are You Brave Enough To Be Quirky? (A to Z of Blogging)

Theatre masks. Lose the mask and be your quirky self

I was a pretty weird kid, ‘quirky’ you might say. My siblings would probably agree that all things considered, we were a weird family. One of my many nicknames was Linus because I never went anywhere without my blanket. via Continue reading Are You Brave Enough To Be Quirky? (A to Z of Blogging)