The Consulting Industry In The UK

Consulting industry trends in the UK

Knoweldge = Value Information services is a key area of consultancy in the UK reporting the highest growth in recent years. When you create your own online content – such as a  blog – not only are you building your Continue reading The Consulting Industry In The UK

Are You A Business, An Entrepreneur or A Freelancer?

How do you describe what you? A business or an entrepreneur?do

  I was always entrepreneurial and creative. My first experience of being ‘an entrepreneur’ was in the mid 1980’s – I think I was about 8 years old!   A Child Entrepreneur (?) My sister and I were really into Continue reading Are You A Business, An Entrepreneur or A Freelancer?

Is Your Business Due for a Facelift?

A business facelift

When should you consider a facelift for your business? Our businesses naturally evolve, and we grow as individuals in skill, knowledge and experience. But are we demonstrating that to everyone else? At some point, you must concede that the messages Continue reading Is Your Business Due for a Facelift?

Outsourcing for Small Businesses – is it possible?

Wearing many hats. Outsourcing for Small Businesses

I’m very fond of hats! You’ll have noticed on my website, many pictures of me sporting my favourite fedora. People know me for my hats. When you work for yourself, wearing many hats becomes part of your reality, especially in Continue reading Outsourcing for Small Businesses – is it possible?

4 Must Haves For Working Remotely – A Guest Post

Working remotely without being isolated. Must have's to make it work for you and your business.

When I left corporate life and set up on my own, I vowed I would never work for anyone else ever again. It’s a process, a journey. Sometimes it hums along happily, other times – to use a well-worn comparison Continue reading 4 Must Haves For Working Remotely – A Guest Post

Why Unsubscribes Don’t Worry Me

Why you don't need to worry about unsubscribes after GDPR

Do you worry when you get unsubscribes from your newsletter? On 25th May 2018, new legislation comes into force ensuring that businesses behave responsibly with people’s data. One aspect of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) regs switches the emphasis Continue reading Why Unsubscribes Don’t Worry Me

How Do You Find The Right Accountant?

Jordon, of Peach Wilkinson Accountants, has been following my blogs and got in touch about being a guest. I’m always happy to support other small businesses, I believe in the power of small business to change the world for the Continue reading How Do You Find The Right Accountant?

The Small Challenges of Small Business

My theme for September is ‘Small Challenges’ and it spurred on an idea for one of my blog followers! I’m happy to host Dan Miller as a guest on the blog this week. Dan Miller is a Payments Officer with Continue reading The Small Challenges of Small Business

Business Branding Is Important, But Are You Getting It Right?

In this piece of contributed content, I’m sharing some basic building blocks for branding impact. My clients are entrepreneurs who ‘are their business’. My Power Sessions and online workshops give them the tools and the confidence to build their own Continue reading Business Branding Is Important, But Are You Getting It Right?

The Motivational Mindset – A Guest Post

Motivational Mindset

This week it gives me great pleasure to host the motivational and inspirational Sarah Clark of Mariposa Coaching. I met Sarah a couple of years back when I first started. I was networking as much as a I could just Continue reading The Motivational Mindset – A Guest Post