What Makes a Good Manager?

I’ve seen some colourful content butterflies flitting around the inter-webs recently on what makes a good manager. This one – by the Chartered Management Institute –  caught my eye: I’m going to keep politics out of this because I believe Continue reading What Makes a Good Manager?

Self Publishing Success Story – An Interview with Maggie James

I first met Maggie when I returned to Bristol from Bulgaria a few years back, she was one of the first friends I made (outside of work). When we met, she was writing, and running a dog walking business, but Continue reading Self Publishing Success Story – An Interview with Maggie James

16 Great Ways to Re-purpose Content

Every time you write a piece of content you’re creating something new, something with the potential to use over and over again. I recently told a client I was lazy. He gave me a crooked look and said; “Way to Continue reading 16 Great Ways to Re-purpose Content

No excuses… just write!

I have always had a side business while working and only now am I fully self employed and dependent on my own entrepreneurship to make a living. It’s both a scary and exciting time. In the space of a few Continue reading No excuses… just write!