A Life Without Technology – How Far Would You Go?

Break the chain of plastic polluters

In the pursuit of living a sustainable, accountable and ethical lifestyle, some people are prepared to go much further than others. Mark Boyle, The Moneyless Man, went a whole year without using any money. His book is fascinating and makes Continue reading A Life Without Technology – How Far Would You Go?

I Just Bought Some Expensive Leggings and Here’s Why

expensive leggings

I just spent £25 on a pair of leggings. I could have spent more if I was label or fashion conscious, but already this is more than I have ever spent on a single pair of leggings!   Finding Your Continue reading I Just Bought Some Expensive Leggings and Here’s Why

Calling Out The Biggest Plastic Polluters

Calling out the plastic polluters

Every month, I collect the stories that fascinate, inspire, educate and are generally worth keeping for reference on a Flipboard monthly magazine. I try to keep it positive, but sometimes, some stories stand out. I found this article on Reuters Continue reading Calling Out The Biggest Plastic Polluters

A Rant About Single-Use Plastic – Who Will Take A Stand And Make The Difference?

Retailers - a-rant-about-single-use-plastic

I’m fuming with Asda. In fact, I’m livid with all our major UK grocery retailers. I went into Asda last week for the first time in months. Since lockdown, our shopping habits have completely changed. We’ve managed to successfully avoid Continue reading A Rant About Single-Use Plastic – Who Will Take A Stand And Make The Difference?

Being A Little Bit Activist

being a little bit activist - protest

I want to be more activist when it comes to green business, sustainability, and the environment.  As I’m still not reading any fiction at the moment, most of my recent book choices are along those lines. More of my thinking, planning, Continue reading Being A Little Bit Activist

The Right To Work From Home: Good or Bad?

The right to home working

I happened upon an article in my MSN newsfeed… I like the fact that it’s not immediately obvious of the source of articles on MSN. It strips away our inbuilt prejudices to particular publications. As I read this article, my Continue reading The Right To Work From Home: Good or Bad?

Packaging Matters For Fashion Businesses

sustainable packaging choices for business

Making ethical buying choices can be challenging. One the one hand we want to reduce waste – especially single use plastic – yet on the other we have a budget to keep to, there are often compromises. Plastics take thousands of Continue reading Packaging Matters For Fashion Businesses

Living Self-Sufficiently: What Green Habits Will You Adopt?

Sustainability through the seasons - self sufficiency

Living self-sufficiently – World events have forced many of us to start taking sustainability seriously. The looming threats of further lockdowns and future pandemics. The (UK) government’s lack of action and funding on climate change – in fact, recent parliamentary Continue reading Living Self-Sufficiently: What Green Habits Will You Adopt?