How To Write an eBook – Two Small Tips That Make a Big Difference

If you want to write and publish a book, here are my two pro tips to help you get there… Continue reading How To Write an eBook – Two Small Tips That Make a Big Difference
Practical Sustainable Enterprise Support
If you want to write and publish a book, here are my two pro tips to help you get there… Continue reading How To Write an eBook – Two Small Tips That Make a Big Difference
Entrepreneurs dipping their toes into the murky waters of blogging for the first time often ask me, “Where do I write a blog?”. Keeping up with the latest platforms and technology can be overwhelming and off-putting for those new to Continue reading Where Do I Write My Blog? (A to Z of Blogging)
via GIPHY Writing is hard… Is it? Anything is hard if you’re not used to it. Getting used to something is all about making it into a habit. We all have 24 hours in a day and it’s up to Continue reading 4 Steps to Start a Healthy Writing Habit
I get several pitches a week from people wanting to write for my blog, and I’m always happy to consider original posts. But when Richard Smith contributed this article I resonated with it immediately. I run workshops for a Continue reading Why It’s Important To Write Original Content
Blogging has had an impact, and been the foundation of my business, since my early blogs in 2013 when I was preparing to publish The Bronze Box. Over the past five years, my blogs have become the staple of everything Continue reading Why Your Blog Has a Huge Impact on Your Business – Guest Post
Cruising around on Facebook, I saw an image about copywriting that made my belly do a backflip. It said, “Why I Don’t Believe in Copywriters”. My initial reaction was, “OMG! Who is this person saying something I think but Continue reading Why I Don’t Believe in Copywriting