Is Video The Future of The Web? (A to Z of Blogging)

VLOG Video vs Written blogs

About 5 minutes before I started writing this, I followed a link to a news article that caught my attention – happily chillin’ to some Rag N Bone Man, suddenly my music is interrupted as I’m bombarded with a video Continue reading Is Video The Future of The Web? (A to Z of Blogging)

A Little Adventure Into Shifting Perspectives

Taking a retreat to change persoectives

    A convex mirror as a lens into the past.     The tiny yellow sports cars, speeding its passengers into the future. A cow-hide rug, gentle beneath my toes, a spiral of grey twisting around a central eye Continue reading A Little Adventure Into Shifting Perspectives

A Little Adventure into Decluttering

Home decluttering get organized

  By no means am I a hoarder, but as I write this, I’m looking around the piles of ‘stuff’ on the table. I’m a relatively tidy person, and once a month I have a good tidy up for the Continue reading A Little Adventure into Decluttering

Passion Projects #7: Being A Square Peg with Alison Muir

  Do you ever feel like a square peg in a round hole? Alison’s big smile and infectious enthusiasm make her a fabulous addition to my Passion Projects series. Living your values, even when you are a square peg in Continue reading Passion Projects #7: Being A Square Peg with Alison Muir

You Are Unique (A to Z of Blogging)

What makes your business unique

  I’ve always had a problem with that business cliche, USP (Unique Selling Point). It creates this illusion that every business needs to have ‘a thing’, some sort of ‘novelty’ or ‘quirk’ that makes them ‘different’. It’s one of the Continue reading You Are Unique (A to Z of Blogging)

Listen To Others, But Think For Yourself

Listen to the fluffy monster of a goal

Do you have a big fluffy monster of a goal? It’s so massive, it’s almost inconceivable, almost. Something fluffy, amorphous that might take you a lifetime to reach. The closer you get, the more massive it seems. Like a mountain Continue reading Listen To Others, But Think For Yourself

Stop Trying and Start Doing – Thoughts On Perfectionism

Stop Trying Start Doing - Perfectionism

Being true to yourself is something you can’t do if you are preoccupied with the validation and approval of others. The Lie Of Perfectionism Perfectionism masquerades as a positive thing, the drive to create something faultless, something that is the Continue reading Stop Trying and Start Doing – Thoughts On Perfectionism

Tip Top Top Tips (A to Z of Blogging)

Tip top top tips

  Quick, simple, sharable, actionable and consumable – sharing top tips on your a blog allows you to convey a lot of useful information in a short and snappy way. Who doesn’t love a listicle? That’s why T is for Continue reading Tip Top Top Tips (A to Z of Blogging)

Lessons You Can Learn From Successful Marketing Campaigns

Big Red Truck - Marketing Campaigns

  You may not have the budget or resources of a big successful business, but it’s surprising what you can learn from their marketing campaigns. Lessons you can apply to your own business, in your own unique way. This contributed Continue reading Lessons You Can Learn From Successful Marketing Campaigns

6 Harmful Blogging Mistakes

Six common blogging mistakes to avoid

  I love blogging. Blogging and networking are my two favourite ways to market myself and my business. Writing and chatting – Brilliant.   As a writer, blogging is the most intuitive way to communicate my message, but it doesn’t Continue reading 6 Harmful Blogging Mistakes