Will Work for Video Views: Top Tips for YouTube Self-Marketing (Guest Post)

This week, I’m pleased to host a guest blog from a great guy I met at an entrepreneurs and opportunity seekers meet up in Bristol recently. A young copywriter that endeavours to turn water into wine and wine into even Continue reading Will Work for Video Views: Top Tips for YouTube Self-Marketing (Guest Post)

Sharing the Business Karma

Last month, I made a pledge at a group coaching event run by the wonderfully inspiring Amanda Kerin to guest blog more. To coin a phrase used by James Comer – an accountant specialising is supporting small businesses, who I Continue reading Sharing the Business Karma

USP is so Passé, What’s Your SSP?

Redirected from LinkedIn: Download the The Story Of Your Business Questionnaire   (This post will take approx. 5 minutes to read) If you’ve ever been to any business workshops or events the chances are that at some point someone has Continue reading USP is so Passé, What’s Your SSP?

Surviving the First Year in Business

Entrepreneurship has always been in my DNA; I’ve been part-time self-employed for many years, but it was only in 2015 that I found the confidence and got the push I needed to go for it and fully employ myself. I Continue reading Surviving the First Year in Business

In business, sometimes you just have to let go…

(This post will take approx. 5 minutes to read) I’ve always had an entrepreneurial streak. A Business Journey I have a childhood memory of our mum paying for a stall at a craft fair one weekend so that my brother, Continue reading In business, sometimes you just have to let go…

4 Content Marketing FAQ’s

(This post will take you about 5 minutes to read) With my background in skills training, business support and writing, I help small businesses write their way to success. I’m regularly asked to speak, train and present on the nuances Continue reading 4 Content Marketing FAQ’s

Advice to your 16 year old self – part 2

  A few weeks back I shared the one piece of advice I would give to me 16-year-old self: Embrace your weirdness, it’s what will make you interesting and successful in the future. I posed this question to other entrepreneurs Continue reading Advice to your 16 year old self – part 2

What Makes a Good Manager?

I’ve seen some colourful content butterflies flitting around the inter-webs recently on what makes a good manager. This one – by the Chartered Management Institute –  caught my eye: I’m going to keep politics out of this because I believe Continue reading What Makes a Good Manager?

Advice to your 16 year old self – Part 1

I was an introverted and weird teenager. Writing bad, angst-fueled poetry and smelling of incense. I made questionable fashion choices that involved colourful tasselled skirts and hiding in massive unflattering jumpers. While everyone at school was listening to Spice Girls Continue reading Advice to your 16 year old self – Part 1