120 Blog Ideas

Coming up with new and interesting content for your blog can be a challenge. I’ve compiled a list of 120 blog ideas to get you going. Download a comprehensive list of 120 Blog Ideas here: 120 Blogging Content Ideas I’ve Continue reading 120 Blog Ideas

Who’s Your Number 1 Fan?

Who is the number one fan of your business

Marketing is a murky business. There are so many things to consider, so many options to raise awareness of what you do, it can be overwhelming. How on earth do you persuade people to buy from you instead of the Continue reading Who’s Your Number 1 Fan?

The Power of Testimonials

The world of marketing is constantly evolving and shifting, but one indelible thing remains… Word of mouth is still the most powerful and effective driver of our buying decisions. This is where social media can amplify your message. Preferably, that Continue reading The Power of Testimonials

16 Great Ways to Re-purpose Content

Every time you write a piece of content you’re creating something new, something with the potential to use over and over again. I recently told a client I was lazy. He gave me a crooked look and said; “Way to Continue reading 16 Great Ways to Re-purpose Content

3 Ways to Stop Procrastinating


Follow my blog with Bloglovin It takes time to shake off the dust from a holiday. I knew December would be a quiet month, experience has shown me no one is interested in going to a workshop in December. I Continue reading 3 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

New Year’s Resolutions for your Business

Happy New Year! The tradition of setting new year’s resolutions can be traced back into prehistory. The Babylonians made promises to their gods at the start of each year, the Romans began their year making vows to the god Janus Continue reading New Year’s Resolutions for your Business

The Power of Three

The seasonal slow down has allowed me to follow up with some of the inspiring  entrepreneurs I’ve met across Bristol over the past few months. It was during a 1 to 1 this week with someone I met at an Continue reading The Power of Three

4 Cold Truths to Bust Your Excuses

There are many reasons we don’t achieve the things we want to. We all have so many demands on our time and are impacted by the expectations imposed on us by ourselves, by others and by society as whole. I Continue reading 4 Cold Truths to Bust Your Excuses

You’re More Creative than You Think

I attend a lot of events in Bristol, I’m always looking for ways to meet new people and expand my network, I get most of my work from networking. At an event, the first thing people ask when they meet Continue reading You’re More Creative than You Think

How to be Irresistible to Your Customers

We all know that without customers there is no business. You can have the most beautiful product in the world, have invented the coolest new bit of technology or written the best book ever woven from a combination of 26 Continue reading How to be Irresistible to Your Customers