Is Video The Future of The Web? (A to Z of Blogging)

VLOG Video vs Written blogs

About 5 minutes before I started writing this, I followed a link to a news article that caught my attention – happily chillin’ to some Rag N Bone Man, suddenly my music is interrupted as I’m bombarded with a video Continue reading Is Video The Future of The Web? (A to Z of Blogging)

You Are Unique (A to Z of Blogging)

What makes your business unique

  I’ve always had a problem with that business cliche, USP (Unique Selling Point). It creates this illusion that every business needs to have ‘a thing’, some sort of ‘novelty’ or ‘quirk’ that makes them ‘different’. It’s one of the Continue reading You Are Unique (A to Z of Blogging)

Tip Top Top Tips (A to Z of Blogging)

Tip top top tips

  Quick, simple, sharable, actionable and consumable – sharing top tips on your a blog allows you to convey a lot of useful information in a short and snappy way. Who doesn’t love a listicle? That’s why T is for Continue reading Tip Top Top Tips (A to Z of Blogging)

Lessons You Can Learn From Successful Marketing Campaigns

Big Red Truck - Marketing Campaigns

  You may not have the budget or resources of a big successful business, but it’s surprising what you can learn from their marketing campaigns. Lessons you can apply to your own business, in your own unique way. This contributed Continue reading Lessons You Can Learn From Successful Marketing Campaigns

How To Schedule Social Media For Free

How to schedule social media for free

    When I happened upon Hootsuite to schedule updates for the first time – covering for our Marketing Manager in a previous job – my mind was blown. Suddenly I realised the potential of being able to plan my Continue reading How To Schedule Social Media For Free

Who Said Digital Is Impersonal?

You are invited - paperless post personalised digital stationery

I’m unashamedly a lover of stationery. The shelves of my office and art room are sagging under the weight of notebooks, sketchpads and boxes of pens.   Words And Pictures As a writer, but a visual learner, words create pictures Continue reading Who Said Digital Is Impersonal?

How Do I Repurpose Content Without Being Repetitive? (A – Z of Blogging)

How to repurpose your blogs for profit

  You never write a blog post once. Everything you create you can repurpose. That’s why ‘R’ is for Repurpose in my A to Z of Blogging Series.   Intellectual Property Has Value When you’ve written it yourself, you own Continue reading How Do I Repurpose Content Without Being Repetitive? (A – Z of Blogging)

Improve Brand Awareness With A Blog (Guest Post)

Raise your brand awareness with a blog

Hosting another contributor to the blog today. A differnt perspective on how blogging can benefit your business.   Why Blogging is Great to Improve Your Brand Awareness   For SMEs (small businesses), producing regular high-quality content on their site is Continue reading Improve Brand Awareness With A Blog (Guest Post)

How To Optimize The Images On Your Blog

Optimizing your blog images. Photos

Let’s get real, if you open a web page and see an impenetrable wall of text with no images, you will probably click away. Even the most avid reader will squint and think twice before diving in! Break It Up Continue reading How To Optimize The Images On Your Blog

Being A Problem Solver (A to Z of Blogging)

Problem solving with your blog

What’s the first thing we all do these days if we have a problem with something? We’ll Google it! …Or take to our Social Media channels and ask the hive mind what they think.   The Purpose Of Business Strip Continue reading Being A Problem Solver (A to Z of Blogging)