Get Discovered By Google (SEO Made Easy)

Tips to optimize Google My Business

The Google bot has eyes everywhere, and it eats ‘SEO’*! An all seeing, all knowing, power-bot that scurries around over 3 billion times every day! But with so much content being produced every second, how do you get noticed by Continue reading Get Discovered By Google (SEO Made Easy)

3 Quick Ways to Beat Writer’s Block

Overcome writers block

When I was writing the Sheridan And Blake books, I often found myself stumbling over writer’s block. Even the most imaginative, creative people can suffer with writer’s block from time to time. If you’re staring at blank pages or you Continue reading 3 Quick Ways to Beat Writer’s Block

Blog Exposure on a Budget – A Contributed Post

Blog exposure on a budget

My two favourite marketing activities for exposure are networking and blogging – talking or writing – I just love sharing and communicating stories. In the digital space, your website can be your greatest asset or your greatest liability. Having a Continue reading Blog Exposure on a Budget – A Contributed Post

5 Easy to Implement Strategies to Supercharge your Business Blog – A Guest Post

5 easy to implement ways to supercharge your blog

This week, I’m pleased to host another guest on the blog. Brenda Cagara, has been writing blogs for businesses for five years now. Based in Dubai, she was drawn to my site by previous posts sharing knowledge about blogging for Continue reading 5 Easy to Implement Strategies to Supercharge your Business Blog – A Guest Post

So Much To Do, So Little Time: Getting Organised

so much to do so little time elf in business

When you work for yourself, one of the toughest challenges is staying organised. There’s no boss breathing down your neck, giving you ‘that look’ and no job description setting out your responsibilities. You must be disciplined to get things done. Continue reading So Much To Do, So Little Time: Getting Organised

Business for Authors – A Book Review

Most entrepreneurs I know have shelves and shelves of business, self-help and motivational books. Speak to any of us for long enough and we’ll share with you the books we recommend; books to inspire, books to motivate and we’ll even Continue reading Business for Authors – A Book Review

A New Way to Publicise Your Event

(This is a short post and will take about 5 minutes to read – Keep going, there’s a ‘FREE Printable Event Promotion Checklist’ in it for you!) Publicising events can be a real struggle. There’s nothing more disheartening than pouring Continue reading A New Way to Publicise Your Event

How I Make Blogging Pay (without promoting other brands)

As a writer, the single most enjoyable element of my marketing is blogging. Blogging is at the heart of the story of my business. I first started blogging back in 2013 when I did a 365-day project ‘Operation Author: 365 Continue reading How I Make Blogging Pay (without promoting other brands)

One Thing To Love About Networking Events

(This is a short update. It will take less than 5 minutes to read and contains some questions to make networking more productive) Anyone who’s met me will know I’m a chatter. On the face of it, I come across Continue reading One Thing To Love About Networking Events

One Question Businesses Must Keep Asking Themselves

I woke up this morning, lay in bed a for a few minutes just visualising and reflecting on my day, and a question popped into my head – one I realised I’m not asking myself enough: What will you do Continue reading One Question Businesses Must Keep Asking Themselves