Why Cheapest is Worrying: 3 Questions at the Core of Your Business

Why Cheapest is worrying - 3 Questions at the core of your business

I saw a Tweet the other day; a business (who shall remain nameless) declared they were ‘the cheapest provider of their service in the market.’ It always bothers me when a business advertises they are the cheapest at X Y Continue reading Why Cheapest is Worrying: 3 Questions at the Core of Your Business

How I Became Amy Queen of Blogs – Build A Blog

How I became Amy Queen Of Blogs Build a Blog

I first started blogging in 2013. Since then, it has been the foundation on which to build my business. Build A Blog, Build a Business I still keep that blog, it became my Amy C Fitzjohn author blog. But blogging Continue reading How I Became Amy Queen of Blogs – Build A Blog

But I’m not an expert…

But I'm not an expert

“But, I’m not an expert!” Have you ever caught yourself saying this? Even in your head? It’s one of the common reasons I hear for NOT Blogging. “Who am I to talk, what do I know? I’m no expert, why Continue reading But I’m not an expert…

5 Ways to Boost Your Digital Marketing

I had a request from a serviced office business in Bangkok this week to be featured as a guest blogger on digital marketing. Intrigued, I agreed to showcase her tips. Sarah Marshall works with Antares, who host small businesses in Continue reading 5 Ways to Boost Your Digital Marketing

Three Ways Blogging Has Grown My Business

3 ways blogging has grown my business

There are many reasons to build blogging into your business. I’m currently developing my ‘Build Your Blog’ online course. It’s a series of workshops making up a step by step guide on how to blog to grow our businesses, with Continue reading Three Ways Blogging Has Grown My Business

Steps To Being A Better Writer

Steps to be a better writer

Some days, the hardest part about being a writer is just writing; getting started is half the battle! Blogging is a fantastic way to develop healthy writing habits and improve those all important written communication skills. Writing is the backbone Continue reading Steps To Being A Better Writer

Why Pen and Paper Will Always Have a Place

Pen and Paper always has a place

Living in the digital age opens up amazing possibilities. Technology is moving at a breathless pace and it can be both scary and exhilarating on any given day. (but there will always be a use for paper and pens!) Anyone Continue reading Why Pen and Paper Will Always Have a Place

Using Social Media Apps To Figure Out Who Your Customers Are

Before you write any content, you need to now who you’re writing it for. Successful businesses are more and more social. Understanding who the main customer is in your business is fundamental to its success. It may seem counterintuitive to narrow your focus, Continue reading Using Social Media Apps To Figure Out Who Your Customers Are

11 Essential Editing and Proofreading Tools to Polish Your Content

The content you produce can make or break your business. Poorly written content, littered with mistakes, makes you look sloppy and unprofessional. The real writing happens in the editing. If you are writing your own content and copy, make sure Continue reading 11 Essential Editing and Proofreading Tools to Polish Your Content

Who’s the Sidekick in the Story of Your Business?

Sidekick business story

Who’s the sidekick in the story of your business? So, you’ve done a piece of work for a client and you need to get the money out of them. A professional looking invoice and professional payment system reassures your client Continue reading Who’s the Sidekick in the Story of Your Business?