4 Must Haves For Working Remotely – A Guest Post

Working remotely without being isolated. Must have's to make it work for you and your business.

When I left corporate life and set up on my own, I vowed I would never work for anyone else ever again. It’s a process, a journey. Sometimes it hums along happily, other times – to use a well-worn comparison Continue reading 4 Must Haves For Working Remotely – A Guest Post

Email Tips For Start-Ups: A Guest Post

email tips for startups

  Email Marketing is a powerful tool… When Melissa of Literary Book Gifts reached out to me over email, I wanted to help her fledgling business because I thought the products looked really cool.   I love a new and Continue reading Email Tips For Start-Ups: A Guest Post

Three Lessons From Three Years In Business

3 Lessons from 3 years of business

July marks the third year I’ve been in business. Each year, I meet my anniversary with mixed feelings. Firstly, I’m always glad, relieved, happy to have made it through another year. My chief measure of success is not giving up Continue reading Three Lessons From Three Years In Business

How Niche Is Too Niche? Part One: Why Should You Care?

All the advice tells us we should niche our business. But what does that actually mean? I have a lot to say on this topic, and so I don’t overwhlem you, I’m splitting it into two blogs. This is part Continue reading How Niche Is Too Niche? Part One: Why Should You Care?

Waiting To Land Your First Paid Gig – A Guest Post

Waiting for your first paid writing assignment

As I pass the milestone of my third year in business this month, this guest post is a timely reminder of the early days of trying to get paid from your business. In the past three years, I’ve learned it Continue reading Waiting To Land Your First Paid Gig – A Guest Post

Embrace The Story Instinct

Embrace your story instincts and write better blogs

Story Time… Walking along my local high street, I was held up behind a woman, holding the hand of a little girl. A girl of perhaps 3 or 4 (it was a school day, so I’m assuming she was pre-school Continue reading Embrace The Story Instinct

Why Unsubscribes Don’t Worry Me

Why you don't need to worry about unsubscribes after GDPR

Do you worry when you get unsubscribes from your newsletter? On 25th May 2018, new legislation comes into force ensuring that businesses behave responsibly with people’s data. One aspect of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) regs switches the emphasis Continue reading Why Unsubscribes Don’t Worry Me

What’s the Difference Between a Niche and a USP?

What's the difference between niche and USP

If you’ve ever been on any enterprise training there are two things you’ve probably been asked…. What is your USP? and What niche are you in? So, what’s the difference and why should you care? USP USP = ‘Unquie Selling Continue reading What’s the Difference Between a Niche and a USP?

What’s the Difference Between a Coach and a Mentor?

I posed a question to myself at the start of the year, “Am I really a coach, or more like a mentor?” When I work with start ups for Brave Enterprise Agency, I’m described as a mentor. Someone who’s been Continue reading What’s the Difference Between a Coach and a Mentor?

3 Excellent Ways To Improve Your Visitors Experience On Your Website

It’s been a busy year in my evolving business in 2017, with many more visitors to my blog and some fantastic and inspiring businesses working alongside me. I’ve been beavering away in the background, collating all my expertise on blogging Continue reading 3 Excellent Ways To Improve Your Visitors Experience On Your Website