Something to Declare?

It’s time to declare your intentions… When you get off a flight into the UK, between passport control and the exit you are faced with three possible exits: The Green Door The Blue Door (I wonder what colour they’ll paint Continue reading Something to Declare?

How I Make Blogging Pay (without promoting other brands)

As a writer, the single most enjoyable element of my marketing is blogging. Blogging is at the heart of the story of my business. I first started blogging back in 2013 when I did a 365-day project ‘Operation Author: 365 Continue reading How I Make Blogging Pay (without promoting other brands)

One Thing To Love About Networking Events

(This is a short update. It will take less than 5 minutes to read and contains some questions to make networking more productive) Anyone who’s met me will know I’m a chatter. On the face of it, I come across Continue reading One Thing To Love About Networking Events

One Question Businesses Must Keep Asking Themselves

I woke up this morning, lay in bed a for a few minutes just visualising and reflecting on my day, and a question popped into my head – one I realised I’m not asking myself enough: What will you do Continue reading One Question Businesses Must Keep Asking Themselves

The Storyteller’s Secret: Book Review and Tips

Tips and a Book Review I was chatting to a business colleague at an event recently over a coffee and she said something that made me review my focus. She told me she was much more likely to take notice Continue reading The Storyteller’s Secret: Book Review and Tips

Social Management Tools for Start-ups – Guest Blog & Infographic

  I’ve had a flurry of guest blog submissions recently and it gives me great pleasure to host another one on the blog this week. Highly regarded on the world speaker circuit, Lilach Bullock has graced Forbes and Number 10 Continue reading Social Management Tools for Start-ups – Guest Blog & Infographic

Three Part Beginners’ guide to Vlogging – A Guest Post

This week, I’m proud to host another guest on the blog. I met Hannah Squires, of Doubleshot, at a recent workshop ‘Blogging for Business’ that I ran on behalf of Brand 51. I always offer delegates at my events the Continue reading Three Part Beginners’ guide to Vlogging – A Guest Post

How to Reach Out to Readers After You Self-Publish – A Guest Post

8 reasons why I chose to self publish my books

(This post will take less than10 minutes to read) Today, I’m proud to host another guest blog by a fellow wordsmith. This is a topic close to my heart, but it will also be useful to anyone who’s published a Continue reading How to Reach Out to Readers After You Self-Publish – A Guest Post

How to Increase Viewers on your Instagram Stories – A Guest Post

Save Save This week I’m proud to host another guest on the blog. Sheena Mathieson pitched a content idea to me and her timing was perfect. I’ve just entered the mysterious world of Instagram. Here I am… I’ve been resisting; Continue reading How to Increase Viewers on your Instagram Stories – A Guest Post

5 Top Accounting Tips for Start-ups – A Guest Post

What’s the one area of your business that scares you?   For me, it’s the financial stuff, I’ve always been bad at numbers – I still have cold sweats when I think about the evil teacher I had at primary Continue reading 5 Top Accounting Tips for Start-ups – A Guest Post