What’s the Difference Between a Niche and a USP?

What's the difference between niche and USP

If you’ve ever been on any enterprise training there are two things you’ve probably been asked…. What is your USP? and What niche are you in? So, what’s the difference and why should you care? USP USP = ‘Unquie Selling Continue reading What’s the Difference Between a Niche and a USP?

The Story of One Entrepreneur Learning to Love Her Words

Story of My Body Positive Case Study

I meet some wonderfully inspiring entrepreneurs in my line of work, I’d like to share the story of one such woman in business. Lisa Beasley is just the kind of entrepreneur I love working with. Her business, My Body Positive, Continue reading The Story of One Entrepreneur Learning to Love Her Words

If I’m On Social Media, Do I Really Need a Website?

Tourist on Social Media

I recently gave a talk to The Society of Authors in Bristol on ‘Blogging for writers’. I recommended hosting a blog on your website, busted five myths about blogging and had a Q&A session. One of the participants asked me, Continue reading If I’m On Social Media, Do I Really Need a Website?

What’s the Difference Between a Coach and a Mentor?

I posed a question to myself at the start of the year, “Am I really a coach, or more like a mentor?” When I work with start ups for Brave Enterprise Agency, I’m described as a mentor. Someone who’s been Continue reading What’s the Difference Between a Coach and a Mentor?

How To Handle The Urge To Quit Your Blog

Most of us have the urge to quit at some stage! Sometimes it just feels like too much. Have you ever felt like giving up on your blog? Are you embarrassed by how out of date your blog is? Are Continue reading How To Handle The Urge To Quit Your Blog

What’s the Difference Between Content and Copy?

What's the difference between content and copy

I had a 1 to 1 meeting over a coffee last week with a new contact I’d made through networking.  She told me how much she’d struggled with the content on her website. When I dug into it with her, Continue reading What’s the Difference Between Content and Copy?

Why Your Blog Has a Huge Impact on Your Business – Guest Post

Blog impact on businesses

Blogging has had an impact, and been the foundation of my business, since my early blogs in 2013 when I was preparing to publish The Bronze Box. Over the past five years, my blogs have become the staple of everything Continue reading Why Your Blog Has a Huge Impact on Your Business – Guest Post

How Blogging Can Refine Your Business

How Blogging Can Refine Your Business

Your business will always be a work in progress. There will always be elements to refine throughout its lifecycle, until the day you close it down or sell it on. In 2013, when I decided that would be the year Continue reading How Blogging Can Refine Your Business

Why I Don’t Believe in Copywriting

why i dont believe in copywriting

Cruising around on Facebook, I saw an image about copywriting that made my belly do a backflip. It said, “Why I Don’t Believe in Copywriters”.   My initial reaction was, “OMG! Who is this person saying something I think but Continue reading Why I Don’t Believe in Copywriting

When Is The Best Time To Start A Blog?

When is the best time to start a blog

Starting a blog is a commitment – keeping your website alive, producing content regularly. But then, so is any ongoing project. Maintaining momentum and consistency takes time, energy and discipline. So, when is a good time to start? The simple Continue reading When Is The Best Time To Start A Blog?