Slightly Improve Your Life With Little Effort

setting intentions - big change low effort

The first snowdrops and crocuses are starting to bloom, and that’s a sure sign that spring is approaching. Hope and possibility, planning ahead, setting goals, looking forward to brighter mornings. It’s tempting to set ourselves big, ambitious objectives, that take Continue reading Slightly Improve Your Life With Little Effort

Homemade Natural Deodorant That Really Works

simple sustainable homemade deodorant recipe

I can’t help but wonder what nasty chemicals go into the deodorant I slather onto my sweaty armpits every day. Often packed in single use plastic, I’ve tried to use mostly deodorant in glass bottles – but that still creates recycling. Continue reading Homemade Natural Deodorant That Really Works

Project Shed(s) Revamp

tools in a shed

Being the custodian of an allotment is a marathon, not a sprint. There is so much potential at Hen’s Tooth. I’m pacing myself with different projects and sharing my progress here, to inspire others to make the most of the Continue reading Project Shed(s) Revamp

Make Your Own Make Up

Reduce your chemical load and plastic waste by trying these homemade make up recipes. Continue reading Make Your Own Make Up

Act Local Think Global – Thoughts on Sustainability

Break the chain of plastic polluters

Sustainability. What does that word mean for you? As a wordsmith, that’s always an intriguing question for me. Here’s what the Cambridge Dictionary has to say on the subject: Sustainable, a definition A core constituent of everything I do is Continue reading Act Local Think Global – Thoughts on Sustainability

What’s The Point of a Vision Board?

Creating a vision board

Here in the UK, we have started 2021 in yet another lockdown. via GIPHY I’m so over lockdowns, it’s getting boring now…   Apparently, having learned nothing from the last two lockdowns, some bright spark thought we should give it Continue reading What’s The Point of a Vision Board?

The All Homemade Cream Tea

Homemade cream tea, with scones jam and cream recipes

  As an solopreneur, I’m always on a journey towards the next thing. More and more I find myself wanting to embrace a simpler, sustainable life with a sustainable business true to those values. Many of us have been doing Continue reading The All Homemade Cream Tea

How To Make Sourdough Bread

How to make sourdough bread

    We’ve been conditioned to know the cost of everything and the value of nothing. Since the Industrial Revolution, time and money have been inextricably linked. One thing many of us have learned during the Coronavirus Crisis is the Continue reading How To Make Sourdough Bread

We Need To Talk About Micro-Enterprise

Support The micro-enterprise community

Larger businesses may be the backbone of the UK economy. But small and micro-enterprise are the tendons, blood vessels, muscles, joints and nerve endings that glue it all together. In my 20+ years of experience, successive governments of various colours, Continue reading We Need To Talk About Micro-Enterprise

Lockdown Makes: Homemade Soap

Wash your hands with homemade soap

Making toiletries and soap at home has long been on my radar. While we’re in Lockdown and staying home, we have been gifted time to get creative. I’ve been using some of my time to embark on random acts of Continue reading Lockdown Makes: Homemade Soap