Being A Problem Solver (A to Z of Blogging)

Problem solving with your blog

What’s the first thing we all do these days if we have a problem with something? We’ll Google it! …Or take to our Social Media channels and ask the hive mind what they think.   The Purpose Of Business Strip Continue reading Being A Problem Solver (A to Z of Blogging)

Should I Oppose Others In My Blogs? (A – Z of Blogging Series)

How to oppose an opinion on your blog

Very few of us go around deliberately upsetting others. It’s natural to not want to oppose someone. I was at an event recently and got chatting to a fellow small business owner. He said something that could have been taken Continue reading Should I Oppose Others In My Blogs? (A – Z of Blogging Series)

The Consulting Industry In The UK

Consulting industry trends in the UK

Knoweldge = Value Information services is a key area of consultancy in the UK reporting the highest growth in recent years. When you create your own online content – such as a  blog – not only are you building your Continue reading The Consulting Industry In The UK

Six Blogging FAQ

As a writing mentor for businesses, I’m frequently asked to speak at events on the finer points and skills associated with building a successful business blog to grow your influence. When I’m speaking to new bloggers, I’m always asked the Continue reading Six Blogging FAQ

Are You A Business, An Entrepreneur or A Freelancer?

How do you describe what you? A business or an entrepreneur?do

  I was always entrepreneurial and creative. My first experience of being ‘an entrepreneur’ was in the mid 1980’s – I think I was about 8 years old!   A Child Entrepreneur (?) My sister and I were really into Continue reading Are You A Business, An Entrepreneur or A Freelancer?

What Do My Blog Readers Need From Me? (A-Z of Blogging: Need)

There’s a mantra in fiction writing, ‘Show don’t tell’.   Reader’s Need Context Don’t tell us the character is crying, show us their heartbreak, describe the anguish in their expression. It’s much more powerful and compelling. The same goes for Continue reading What Do My Blog Readers Need From Me? (A-Z of Blogging: Need)

Fall In Love With Your Blog (A-Z of Blogging)

love to write

My love affair with blogging started in 2013 when I was in process of publishing my first book – The Bronze Box. Every day I did one thing towards publishing and marketing my first book, then every week I would Continue reading Fall In Love With Your Blog (A-Z of Blogging)

You Get Out What You Put In – A Lesson From An Angry Man

Happy or angry. You Choose

I was on a bus the other day, with an angry elderly gentleman sat in the row behind me. It was his behaviour that spurred on this random little thought piece!   Angry At The World The whole 20-minute bus Continue reading You Get Out What You Put In – A Lesson From An Angry Man

Is Your Business Due for a Facelift?

A business facelift

When should you consider a facelift for your business? Our businesses naturally evolve, and we grow as individuals in skill, knowledge and experience. But are we demonstrating that to everyone else? At some point, you must concede that the messages Continue reading Is Your Business Due for a Facelift?

Outsourcing for Small Businesses – is it possible?

Wearing many hats. Outsourcing for Small Businesses

I’m very fond of hats! You’ll have noticed on my website, many pictures of me sporting my favourite fedora. People know me for my hats. When you work for yourself, wearing many hats becomes part of your reality, especially in Continue reading Outsourcing for Small Businesses – is it possible?