Waiting To Land Your First Paid Gig – A Guest Post

Waiting for your first paid writing assignment

As I pass the milestone of my third year in business this month, this guest post is a timely reminder of the early days of trying to get paid from your business. In the past three years, I’ve learned it Continue reading Waiting To Land Your First Paid Gig – A Guest Post

Why Unsubscribes Don’t Worry Me

Why you don't need to worry about unsubscribes after GDPR

Do you worry when you get unsubscribes from your newsletter? On 25th May 2018, new legislation comes into force ensuring that businesses behave responsibly with people’s data. One aspect of the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) regs switches the emphasis Continue reading Why Unsubscribes Don’t Worry Me

Fresh Productivity Tips – A Guest Blog

Productivity tips for business

I’m always open to hosting other writers on this blog. My submission guidelines are simple: Read about what makes a good pitch HERE. I ask $40/£30 (Via PayPal) for a ‘DoFollow’ link and to cover the cost of my time. Continue reading Fresh Productivity Tips – A Guest Blog

When Is The Best Time To Start A Blog?

When is the best time to start a blog

Starting a blog is a commitment – keeping your website alive, producing content regularly. But then, so is any ongoing project. Maintaining momentum and consistency takes time, energy and discipline. So, when is a good time to start? The simple Continue reading When Is The Best Time To Start A Blog?

FREE Guest Blogging Resources

guest blogging resources - Idizeo list

Just because you have a shop on a high street, doesn’t mean you can’t have a pop-up shop on another street from time to time… That’s how I view guest blogging. Staying in your own cosy little home on the Continue reading FREE Guest Blogging Resources

The 3 Stages of Ninja Networking

Ninja networking

Networking: When you’re curious, and like to chat with fascinating people – like I do – one of the best things about working for yourself is getting to meet so many other amazing and inspiring entrepreneurs. Then we go and Continue reading The 3 Stages of Ninja Networking

Using Twitter and Other Non-Google Platforms to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities

guest blogging opprtunities

If finding guest blogging opportunites is on your radar, as part of your marketing strategy, a great place to start is to talk to your existing network. There are plenty of lists out there featuring sites that accept guests, but Continue reading Using Twitter and Other Non-Google Platforms to Find Guest Blogging Opportunities

How Do You Find The Right Accountant?

Jordon, of Peach Wilkinson Accountants, has been following my blogs and got in touch about being a guest. I’m always happy to support other small businesses, I believe in the power of small business to change the world for the Continue reading How Do You Find The Right Accountant?

Two Things You Can Do To Improve Your Blogs

2 things to improve your blogs

In the past 10 years, we’ve published more than the entirety of human history. That’s an awful lot of blogs, and just by the law of averages, an awful lot of rubbish!   Better writing creates better businesses.   As Continue reading Two Things You Can Do To Improve Your Blogs

The Recipe for Getting New Business – A Guest Post

The Recipe for Getting New Business - Guest Post

This week, I’m proud to host another guest on the blog, sharing her successful recipe for attracting new business. Tara Clist of Tara’s table shares her story and some top tips for hosting an event. Tara has been a guest Continue reading The Recipe for Getting New Business – A Guest Post