Ways to Practice Empathy in Your Sales Process (and Why You Should) – A Guest Post

Selling with empathy

Hosting a guest on the blog. The sales process need not feel ‘icky’, here are some tips to think differently about how you ‘sell’ in your business. Stop pushing and start communicating…   source: unsplash.com   “Failure to communicate” is Continue reading Ways to Practice Empathy in Your Sales Process (and Why You Should) – A Guest Post

What’s In A Name – How To Come Up With A Name For Your Business Idea

write your words onto post it notes

Are you agonising over a name for your business venture? It’s another year, and another rethink for my business. I’ve been mentoring startups for almost 10 years, and even though I’ve had a writing support niche, it’s been the mentoring Continue reading What’s In A Name – How To Come Up With A Name For Your Business Idea

A Vision For Freedom

a vision for freedom

  Travel. Freedom. Exploring. Adventure. Escaping. What’s not to love? When I worked as a startup trainer for an enterprise agency a few years back – while I was being trained in their teaching materials – I have a vivid Continue reading A Vision For Freedom

What’s The Point of a Vision Board?

Creating a vision board

Here in the UK, we have started 2021 in yet another lockdown. via GIPHY I’m so over lockdowns, it’s getting boring now…   Apparently, having learned nothing from the last two lockdowns, some bright spark thought we should give it Continue reading What’s The Point of a Vision Board?

Packaging Matters For Fashion Businesses

sustainable packaging choices for business

Making ethical buying choices can be challenging. One the one hand we want to reduce waste – especially single use plastic – yet on the other we have a budget to keep to, there are often compromises. Plastics take thousands of Continue reading Packaging Matters For Fashion Businesses

Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Online Brand

Build your online brand

Improving your online brand is more important now than ever, when bricks and mortar shops are struggling and offline marketing is restricted by the pandemic. This contributor suggests some ideas to inspire your marketing and build your online brand.   Continue reading Marketing Strategies to Improve Your Online Brand

Living Self-Sufficiently: What Green Habits Will You Adopt?

Sustainability through the seasons - self sufficiency

Living self-sufficiently – World events have forced many of us to start taking sustainability seriously. The looming threats of further lockdowns and future pandemics. The (UK) government’s lack of action and funding on climate change – in fact, recent parliamentary Continue reading Living Self-Sufficiently: What Green Habits Will You Adopt?

COVID-19: Is Your Business Prepared for a Post-Pandemic World?

As the end of 2020 approaches we are starting to think about what comes next. This article by a contributor offers some suggestions to help you and your business move forward.   Preparing Your Business Following the restrictions placed by Continue reading COVID-19: Is Your Business Prepared for a Post-Pandemic World?

We’ve Already Invented A Time Machine

write your book

  I’m a sci-fi fan. And a Trekkie. One of the most memorably brilliant books I’ve read in a long time is ‘Time and Time Again’ by Ben Elton. It’s about time travel. Travelling back and righting a wrong in Continue reading We’ve Already Invented A Time Machine

Essentialism: Inspiration and A Book Review

Book review and tips on essentialism

  Remember Marie Condo? Her decluttering methodology was so 2019.Her approach to clearing out your wardrobe was to only keep the clothes that ‘spark joy’, then thank the rest of your clothes before putting them in the charity bag. I Continue reading Essentialism: Inspiration and A Book Review