When Is The Best Time To Start A Blog?

When is the best time to start a blog

Starting a blog is a commitment – keeping your website alive, producing content regularly. But then, so is any ongoing project. Maintaining momentum and consistency takes time, energy and discipline. So, when is a good time to start? The simple Continue reading When Is The Best Time To Start A Blog?

A Simple Formula to Plan Your Blogs

how to plan your blog

I set myself a writing challenge at the end of last year to plan and draft 24 blog posts. I wanted to have all my core blogs banked for 2018, freeing up time and as a basis for my marketing Continue reading A Simple Formula to Plan Your Blogs

FREE Guest Blogging Resources

guest blogging resources - Idizeo list

Just because you have a shop on a high street, doesn’t mean you can’t have a pop-up shop on another street from time to time… That’s how I view guest blogging. Staying in your own cosy little home on the Continue reading FREE Guest Blogging Resources

Why I’m Not Goal Setting This January

Why I'm not goal setting

(Article first published on Linked In) Be honest, how many years have you set yourself New Year’s Resolutions, a goal that’s forgotten by February? Are you one of the millions of people who join a Gym in January, go once Continue reading Why I’m Not Goal Setting This January

Defining a Content Marketing Strategy For Your Blog

At this time of year we’re planning our marketing strategy for the year ahead. But what do we mean when we talk about ‘Content’? I’m proud to host a guest on the blog this week, who reached out from down Continue reading Defining a Content Marketing Strategy For Your Blog

Sharing your Story for PR

Sharing your story for PR by blogging

This month, I was honoured to be a finalist for the Women’s Business Club Speaker of the Year. It’s the closest I’ve ever been to winning award for my business. Sure, I’ve worked for award winning businesses in the past, Continue reading Sharing your Story for PR

The 3 Stages of Ninja Networking

Ninja networking

Networking: When you’re curious, and like to chat with fascinating people – like I do – one of the best things about working for yourself is getting to meet so many other amazing and inspiring entrepreneurs. Then we go and Continue reading The 3 Stages of Ninja Networking

Top Tips To Outsource & Delegate Your Web Business Tasks


In the early days of our businesses, we often start by doing it all ourselves. You’re bootstrapping, trying to get something off the ground without spending too much. But as a business grows and becomes more established,there comes a point Continue reading Top Tips To Outsource & Delegate Your Web Business Tasks

Feed Your Productivity and Creativity

The business community of Bristol really is a small place! It’s surprising how many connections pop up. I met Laetitia Tempelman at a Business Blogging workshop I ran a couple of years back and we’ve stayed in touch since. Laetitia Continue reading Feed Your Productivity and Creativity

Why Blogging Weekly is Bad Advice for Newbies.

blogging weekly bad advice

I am often asked, “How regularly should I blog?” I’ve seen plenty of people in the online hive mind recommending weekly blogging. I’ve also had clients coming to me in a cold sweat of panic because their web designer has Continue reading Why Blogging Weekly is Bad Advice for Newbies.